
Jackie Chan returns in fantasy action epic

Jackie Chan returns in fantasy action epic

DIRECTOR Stanley Tong’s “Legend” is the 2024 sequel to the popular 2005 film “The Myth”. The action-packed fantasy film takes audiences into a world where dreams and reality merge.

With Jackie Chan at the helm, this film offers exactly what fans of the genre crave: breathtaking action, a well-thought-out plot and a pinch of humor that keeps the adventure light-hearted and entertaining.

Rooted in history and fantasy

The story follows Prof. Fang, an archaeologist who discovers that the texture of artifacts his students find during a glacier expedition closely resembles a jade pendant from his dreams.

This eerie connection between his dreams and the relics sets the stage for an incredible journey deep into the Glacier Temple. Together with his assistant Wang Jing, Professor Fang embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind these mysterious dreams.

The film seamlessly weaves two timelines: the present-day expedition led by Prof. Fang and the historical narrative of the Han Dynasty, in which Prof. Fang and Wang Jing become brave generals fighting to protect their nation. This dual storyline adds depth to the plot and lets viewers experience the excitement of modern exploration and the grandeur of ancient battles.

Strong and magnetic characters

Chan delivers a charismatic and action-packed performance as always. His portrayal of Prof. Fang and Zhao Zhan is filled with the energy and humor that fans have come to expect from the legendary actor. Chan’s ability to perform his stunts and bring a sense of authenticity to the action scenes is simply impressive.

Lay Zhang, who plays Wang Jing and Hua Jun, complements Chan’s performance with youthful strength and determination. His character’s transformation from a hardworking assistant to a fierce general is believable and convincing.

Gulnezer Bextiyar, as Princess Mengyun, brings a special elegance and strength to the film and portrays a character who is well versed in martial arts and medicine.

The supporting cast, including Aarif Rahman Lee as shaman expert and Hun prince and Li Chen as loyal friend Lei Zhen, add additional layers to the narrative and make the film rich with fascinating characters and relationships.

Spectacular action and images

A Legend’s action sequences are thrilling and visually stunning. Set in the Han Dynasty, the battles are choreographed with precision and flair, showcasing the talent of the actors and Tong’s meticulous direction. The juxtaposition of ancient warfare and modern exploration creates a dynamic viewing experience that captivates audiences from start to finish.

The visual effects used to depict the glacier temple and dream sequences are top-notch and add a fantastical element that enhances the overall atmosphere of the film. The mix of practical effects and CGI creates a believable world where dreams and reality collide.

Friendship and fate

At its core, A Legend is a story that transcends time and space. The friendship between Zhao Zhan and Princess Mengyun, which begins in the Han Dynasty and continues into the present through Prof. Fang’s dreams, is the film’s emotional anchor. Their friendship, full of challenges and obstacles, adds a poignant layer to the action-packed narrative.

The film deals with themes of fate and the idea that certain connections are meant to exist in all times and places. This element, combined with exciting action and historical intrigue, makes A Legend a versatile film that will appeal to a wide audience.

Minor defects

Although A Legend is an entertaining and visually arresting film, it does have its flaws. The 130 minute runtime feels a bit long, with some scenes dragging on longer than necessary. More concise editing could have improved the pacing and made the narrative even more engaging. Additionally, the complexity of the two timelines could be confusing for some viewers, especially those unfamiliar with the original film, The Myth. However, these minor issues do not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the film.

The epitome of a fantasy action film

A Legend is a film that is well within its league. It has everything that fans of fantasy action films could want: epic battles, historical intrigue and a story that spans centuries. Chan’s performance is, as always, a highlight.

For those who appreciate a mix of history, fantasy and action, this film is a delight. The gripping storyline, star-studded cast and stunning visuals make A Legend a film that transports viewers to another world and offers them a thrilling and heartwarming escape.

“A Legend” is in cinemas.

DIRECTOR: Stanley Tong

POUR: Jackie Chan, Lay Zhang, Guli Nazha, Aarif Rahman Lee, Li Chen, Kim Hee-seon




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