
“It’s hard not to be excited”

“It’s hard not to be excited”

Amazon recently reached a shocking new milestone of 15,000 electric delivery trucks on the road.

In 2019, Amazon co-founded The Climate Pledge initiative, setting major environmental goals. According to Electrek, this includes adding 100,000 electric vehicles to the company’s delivery fleet as part of its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040.

The company is rapidly approaching this ambitious goal and the new milestone supports the planned date of having 100,000 electric vehicles on the road in 2030.

To achieve this goal, Amazon partnered with electric vehicle manufacturer Rivian. Almost three years later, the electric vehicles were traveling across the United States delivering packages to Amazon customers.

Since then, the company has enjoyed great success with this initiative, with an incredible 800 million packages delivered to consumers.

Electrek stated, “It’s hard not to be excited about numbers like that.”

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The Rivian vans are just one part of Amazon’s electric fleet. The company has also introduced electric Volvo semi-trailers in California to complement its ocean freight service. The large trucks transport heavy cargo containers and huge package loads.

To support the influx of electric vehicles, Amazon has made huge investments in infrastructure, installing over 17,000 chargers at about 120 delivery stations.

“We are proud of the progress our teams are making as we continue to expand our fleet of electric delivery vehicles,” said Tom Chempananical, director of Amazon’s Global Last Mile Fleet. “Decarbonizing our transportation is a key focus as we work toward our goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.”

When major corporations and brands like Amazon make serious improvements for the environment, huge benefits can be achieved. Once Amazon reaches its goal of replacing 100,000 gasoline-powered vehicles with electric vehicles, the company says it will reduce pollution by millions of tons of carbon every year.

Less pollution means cleaner air, cleaner water and cleaner resources for people around the world.

Other companies are also taking bold steps. PepsiCo is expanding its electric fleet, while Walmart and Sam’s Club are installing electric car charging stations to give everyday consumers more access to electric vehicles. REI and Intuit have partnered to bring clean energy to smaller communities.

The bigger the company, the greater its impact on ensuring a safer future for us and our planet.

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