
“It’s a jungle,” says a man who wants something done about his neighbor’s backyard

“It’s a jungle,” says a man who wants something done about his neighbor’s backyard

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – After years of court battles over what he calls the “jungle” in his neighbor’s backyard, one resident has had enough and wants to see a change.

He said it had been going on for years and that enough was enough.

The neighbor wished to remain anonymous but described the last four years as a farce as he has repeatedly gone to the Environment Court. He says he feels little to nothing has been done in his neighbor’s backyard.

“Yes, there is just a jungle over there. You can’t tell what is over there,” said the resident.

Overgrown with grass, vines stretch across the yard and grow up and down a home in Parkway Village on Navaho Avenue.

A man who lives near the house says he wants something done because the branches and vines are now affecting his home.

“It’s horrific, it’s hard to watch, and the rest of us are trying to keep our houses and gardens in order,” he said. “It’s not fair to us.”

According to court records, a case was filed in 2022 against Harvey Williams, the man listed as the owner of the home.

Court records show that Environmental Judge Patrick Dandridge found Williams guilty on 45 separate counts related to violations of the exterior property rights of the Navaho Avenue home.

The neighbor said even though Williams was found guilty, nothing had changed.

Action News Five contacted Williams but did not receive a response.

“We’ve been going through this since July 2022, so now we’re back in court. It’s August 2024. The homeowner is not complying and never shows up in court. But so far nothing has been done,” the resident said.

The current case lists seven charges related to tall grass and weeds.

The neighbor says after contacting the city, county, state, health department and local authorities, he feels there is nothing more he can do.

“Why do we have to live like this? This is horrible, this is inhumane. The city of Memphis and Shelby County need to do something,” he said.

A court hearing was scheduled for Friday, but according to Shelby County Sheriff’s Office records, a warrant has been issued for Williams’ arrest for failure to appear in court.

The original court date was set for Tuesday, but Williams did not appear in court.

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