
It’s a jungle out there! Smith complains about unsightly 4th district

It’s a jungle out there! Smith complains about unsightly 4th district

It’s a jungle out there! Smith complains about unsightly 4th district

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Employment Lorna Smith

Deputy Prime Minister Lorna Smith has expressed her frustration at the neglected and unsightly state of the fourth district.

During a recent House of Representatives (HOA) meeting, Smith lamented the neighborhood’s significant deterioration, calling it the worst she’s seen since she moved there over four decades ago.

“I don’t need a car to get here (to the HOA),” Smith told deputies. “I could sit on a flush and come – you know (like) Tarzan and Jane? Yes, I say that because that’s what McNamara looks like and it’s in the Fourth District.”

Smith mentioned the lack of progress made by the RATED program, which was supposed to address these problems. She also highlighted the disappointment of tourists who visited the country during the recent Emancipation Festival in August and saw the unkempt state of the area.

Smith quickly took action to address the district’s situation, especially given the influx of tourists.

“In the middle of the night, when I saw so many people (tourists) coming into my country – our country; and when I saw these people coming in, I said they cannot come and see this ugly, unkempt, untidy country.”

She praised the efforts of individuals who stepped up to make a positive difference. She thanked James Todman, who, after an inspired effort in the middle of the night, promptly dispatched an excavator to clean up the area. She also thanked two other residents for their help in removing rubbish and debris.

Smith stressed the importance of leadership and the need to take initiative. She noted that residents are willing to contribute to a clean and orderly community, but placed the responsibility on leaders to act decisively, stating, “That’s why they elected us.”

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