
“It is a bridge between retrovision and everything that comes…

“It is a bridge between retrovision and everything that comes…

And was the new track “Recipe For Disaster” always intended to be on the “Honey” side of the record or was it added later?
“I didn’t realise it was a Retrovision song until I was talking to Donny about it – this whole deluxe thing has been brewing for a long time. We started sessions for it last October and we thought, ‘Let’s write some songs that are Retrovision songs’ and then we worked on ‘Recipe’. When I was talking to Donny about what was going to be on the deluxe edition, Donny said, ‘That song was for Retrovision’ and I said, ‘No!’ and I had to look in my voice memos, and sure enough, the first voice memo I had was from January 2023.

“Donny had the instrumental from back then, so I finished most of it in the fall session we did. It was written ages ago with Retrovision in mind, but we’ve been able to experience so much life and musicality since then, so it’s a good bridge now between Retrovision and what’s next. It was the same with the other new track.”

How did both sides develop when you were in the studio for Retrovision?
“We balance each other out in a way. Dev and I listen to music in different ways, which I didn’t realise. When I listen to music, I don’t hear the words – that’s not my job (laughs). But I hear what the instruments are doing, I hear the melodies. So I’ll focus most of my attention on the instrumentation and then once we’ve nailed down something for it, Dev will write a vocal part or have a vocal idea first and I’ll write instruments around it. We have our own sections that we’re really good at and we meet in the middle and blend them together.”

So, are you already thinking about a second album?
“It’s funny because we always think, ‘Oh, we’re going to go away for a couple of months and write,’ and then every time that’s happened we’ve gotten a cool tour offer that we just couldn’t take, or it’s been our friends. So even this fall we said, ‘We’re not going out, we’re staying home.’ And then Stand Atlantic asked, ‘Do you want to come back to Europe and the UK?’ And we were in the UK when they asked us and had such a great time, so we said, ‘Ah, what’s another two weeks?!'”

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