
Israel Statistics Office: Almost half of all adult Israelis are overweight or obese

Israel Statistics Office: Almost half of all adult Israelis are overweight or obese

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Wednesday show that nearly half of all Israelis are overweight or obese. The report also revealed that one in four Israelis is on a diet, with the percentage of women being higher than that of men.

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Statistics show that 43% of Israelis aged 20 and over are of a healthy weight, 33% are overweight, 12% are obese, 3.8% are severely obese and 3% are underweight. Data for another 5% was not provided.

The CBS used body mass index (BMI) to assess weight status and categorized individuals into underweight (BMI up to 18.4), normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9), overweight (BMI 25–29.9), obese (BMI 30–34.9), and severely obese (BMI 35 and above).

The report shows that 55% of men and 43% of women aged 20 and over are either overweight or obese. The age differences are notable: 39% of 20- to 44-year-olds fall into this category, compared to 59% of 45- to 65-year-olds.

In addition, there are differences between the Jewish and Arab populations: 46% of Jews are overweight or obese, compared to 59% of Arabs.

Economic status also influences obesity rates. In households with an average monthly per capita income of up to 2,000 shekels ($520), 58 percent of people are overweight or obese, compared to 49 percent in households with a per capita income of more than 4,000 shekels ($1,040).

As for dieting, 26% of the population is currently on a diet, including 23% of men and 29% of women; 18% of those of normal weight, 32% of those who are overweight, and 39% of those who are obese. In all age and weight groups, more women than men are on a diet, with 29% of those aged 45 and over and 24% of those aged 20 to 44 on a diet. Among Jews, 27% are on a diet, compared to 23% of Arabs.

In addition, 36% of Israelis aged 20 and over reported having received nutritional advice from a dietitian at some point: 42% of women and 30% of men; 40% of Jews and 20% of Arabs. Women have received nutritional advice more often than men across all age and weight groups. Of those currently dieting, 35% have received nutritional advice from a dietitian in the past two years, 11% two to five years ago, and 13% more than five years ago.

“The CBS data underscore the existence of an obesity epidemic in Israel and the need to do something about it. Obesity is a chronic, multisystem disease that should be treated similarly to other chronic diseases. It impacts comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer and orthopedic problems,” says Limor Tal-Pony, chief dietitian at Maccabi Healthcare Services.

“The data underscore the importance of treatment by qualified professionals and the importance of a comprehensive, personalized plan that takes into account the patient, their preferences, and their medical, nutritional and psychological status.”

A survey conducted by the National Center for Disease Control at the Israel Ministry of Health between 2018 and 2020 found similar results. According to the survey, 56% of the total population was overweight and obese. The rate was higher among Arabs (61.3%) than among Jews (54.8%). Arab men had the highest prevalence (65.9%) of obesity and overweight.

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