
Is it true that The Frog is active in Korea and also operates the Lakeview Motel?

Is it true that The Frog is active in Korea and also operates the Lakeview Motel?

In the upcoming Korean thriller The Frog, innocent people are terrified by the arrival of a sinister serial killer. The story follows the owner of a motel in KL where he dreams of a safe haven until his dreams are shattered when a serial killer picks him up as a guest and inflicts an incurable wound.

Although the Lakeview Motel is fictional, it continues to play an important role in The Frog’s existence.

The Frog is set in a fictional world where each character and location is created to make the story more authentic. The show’s writers have been careful not to rely too heavily on external locations, making Yeong-ha’s home a more viable option.

The motel’s exterior shots were filmed at a property in Nonsan, South Chungcheong Province, the central setting of the series. The crew had to change the location to fit the story’s timeline, which moves quickly, and the incorporation of decay into the motel’s visual effects relied on the creators building their own property. This change was necessary because the story is divided into two timelines, and the crew used sound stages and other sets that were tailored to the story’s narrative.

The motel’s failure to respond to the murder soon makes it the talk of the town, and instead of welcoming visitors, it becomes a magnet for spiteful individuals. Sang-ju and his wife are repeatedly tempted to enter the motel to investigate the murder. The scandal has become a deadly obsession for them, causing the motel and its residents to disappear in disarray.

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