
International Eucharistic Congress: Putting Christ at the Center of the Life of the World

International Eucharistic Congress: Putting Christ at the Center of the Life of the World

Less than a month before the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC 2024) in Quito, Ecuador, Father Juan Carlos Garzón, the event’s general secretary, said it will be an opportunity to “place the Eucharistic Christ at the center of the life of the Church and the world.”

In a statement to the Spanish edition of EWTN News, Garzón stressed that the IEC 2024 will be “like a return to the essence of our faith.” Ecuador was consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 150 years ago, the priest noted, so the Eucharistic Congress will also be a great opportunity for the country to commemorate this event and delve deeper into its faith history.

Fifty-one delegations from around the world have already registered to participate in the IEC 2024 program, which will begin with an international theological symposium at the Catholic University of Ecuador, attended by about 450 people.

“Theologians from all over the world are coming to explore in more depth the relationship between the Eucharist and fraternity, as the theme of our Eucharistic Congress is ‘Fraternity to Heal the World,'” said the Secretary General.

After the symposium, IEC 2024 will officially begin on September 8. On that day, 1,600 children will receive their first communion. For Garzón, this will be a reminder of the purity with which we must receive the Lord in the Eucharist, “which can sometimes be lost over the years.”

“These children remind us of the purity that is part of this relationship with God,” he added.

Nearly 5,000 people will attend the Congress, including bishops, lay people and religious who will bear witness to fraternity. These days in Quito, said the Secretary General, will give us the opportunity to learn about the different wounds that afflict the world and, at the same time, to contribute to their healing.

“It is a very beautiful week. On the first day we asked the bishops who come from all over the world to come to the parishes of Quito to meet our people. Then on Thursday of this week, Masses will be held in the old town (of the city) in the different languages ​​(of the participants), and on Saturday, September 14, we will have a great Eucharistic procession,” explained Garzón.

The closing Mass on September 15 will be celebrated by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, who will represent the Pope during IEC 2024.

Finally, the Secretary General would like to point out that registration for the event is still possible via the official IEC 2024 website.

This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It was translated and adapted by CNA.

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