
Insidious machinations behind the scenes at the Democratic Party Convention

Insidious machinations behind the scenes at the Democratic Party Convention

Nobody buys what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party are selling these days.

Earlier this week, on the opening night of the devilish Chicago conference that Democrats call their national convention, the outgoing commander in chief explicitly denied that he was “angry at all the people” who had advised him to “resign” after his disastrous failure in the June presidential debate.

There is not a single soul who really believes that. While the mainstream media and the Democratic elites circled the debate like piranhas for weeks, the White House defiantly stuck to its position and insisted that it would not back down from the debate.

Biden eventually relented, but it’s hard to believe he isn’t angry at the very Democrats who stabbed him in the back and then forced him to read his own political eulogy – a screaming, bitter tirade – on national television. Nobody believes him, Joe.

On the second night of their satanic summit, Democrats heard from diehard communist Bernie Sanders. Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and literally flew a communist hammer-and-sickle flag in his old mayor’s office, is one of the leading kingmakers in today’s Democratic Party.

At one point in his speech, Sanders said, “I want all of you to remember where we were three and a half years ago.”

Do Democrats really want to compare the actual track records of Donald Trump and Biden? Before COVID-19 hampered Trump’s final year in office, Russia did not invade Ukraine, Hamas did not massacre Israelis, the economy did not fall into a formal recession, inflation did not reach its highest level in four decades, millions of uncontrolled illegal immigrants did not flood into the country, and America was a net exporter of energy.

Nobody buys that either, communist.

Later Tuesday, convention attendees heard from the two titans who truly control today’s radical Democratic Party: Barack and Michelle Obama. Barack and Michelle tried to create artificial enthusiasm for Harris by reviving the good old magic of “hope” and “yes we can!” from 2008.

No reasonable person could credibly agree to a comparison between Barack Obama and Harris. Aside from their shared left-wing views and generally dark skin, Obama, a gifted orator, bears no resemblance whatsoever to the dimwitted giggle-in-chief from California, who is less popular than a venereal disease and was installed as the Democratic presidential candidate only after Uncle Joe’s bloodless coup because he was forced to do so and had no other viable alternative.

In his speech, Obama also mentioned that naming his “friend” Biden as his vice presidential candidate in 2008 was one of his “best” decisions.

Seriously, how stupid do they think we are?

Obama did not have the courage to call for it publicly, but he was – along with Nancy Pelosi – one of the leading conspirators in Biden’s fateful coup in July. Biden himself did not even stay for Obama’s tirade; he had already flown off to sunny California.

Harris also left the city on the night of Obama’s prime-time speech in Chicago, heading to Milwaukee, apparently to avoid offending Biden. As Fox News’ senior White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich reported, citing a source close to the matter, the “Obamas are still not on the good side of the White House.” And they shouldn’t be! No one believes this ridiculous pretense of a big Democratic Party Kumbaya.

Finally, much of the vicious Democratic gathering in the Windy City devoted itself to honoring the legacy of Biden, a supposed “patriot” and “good man” who put “country above party” by “selflessly” dropping out of the presidential race.

This whole story is a lie. Biden was neither “selfless” nor “noble” when he gently “backed out” – he was mercilessly blindsided by his party colleagues. Unlike Republicans, Democrats believe in nothing more than doing whatever it takes to win. Nothing was voluntary or selfless – just a party doing what it felt necessary to maximize its chances of victory against an opponent it falsely denounced as a unique threat to “our democracy.”

And as for the notion that Biden is a “good man” – that too is a lie. In fact, it is one of the biggest and most repeated lies of my life. Biden is not a good man. Let’s ask Mary Ellen Bork if Biden, who joined forces with Mary Jo Kopechne’s killer, Ted Kennedy, to denigrate her late husband Robert’s Supreme Court nomination so brutally that “bork” entered the English vocabulary as a verb, is a “good man.”

We could also ask Clarence Thomas whether Biden, who has done more than anyone else to spread Anita Hill’s slanderous lies, is a “good man.”

And can any father in America actually look at Hunter Biden and conclude that Joe was a good father?

If nothing else, nobody will buy it.


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