
Indonesia celebrates anniversary of sovereignty in newly founded capital

Indonesia celebrates anniversary of sovereignty in newly founded capital

A trip to the jungle border: Indonesia celebrates its Independence Day in the recently opened capital.

The focus is on Indonesia’s future capital, Nusantara: For the first time, major Independence Day celebrations are taking place in Borneo, where this futuristic, technology-oriented city is being built on the edge of the forest.

President Joko Widodo or Jokowi recently held his first cabinet meeting in NusantaraHe described the developing city on Borneo as “a blank slate that will determine our future.” He stressed: “Not many nations have the privilege and ability to build their capital from scratch.”

Jokowi reiterated his vision: “Nusantara should be an eco-city full of vegetation, not an urban jungle made of concrete or glass.” He stressed that it would also be a smart city, teeming with technology and creating a pleasant living environment. According to the plans, air taxis will also take to the skies.

However, the current view is marred by cranes and dusty construction sites. Although some government buildings are nearing completion, most of the major facilities such as residential buildings, schools and hospitals are still under construction. The entire project may not be completed until 2045.

Jokowi made this announcement in 2019. The main reason for this move is that Jakarta, which is located on Java, is gradually sinking and large parts of the city are already below sea level. By 2050, the entire north of Jakarta could be under water. In addition, Jakarta, with its 11 million inhabitants (and almost 34 million in the metropolitan area), is struggling with traffic congestion and smog. Nusantara is about two hours’ flight northeast of Jakarta in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo.

Both Jokowi and his successor Prabowo Subianto, who will take office in October, attended the Independence Day celebrations. A television announcer remarked during the live broadcast of the ceremony: “We can witness the grandeur of the Nusantara capital.” In particular, the new presidential palace in the shape of a colossal eagle – the Garuda Palace – was praised as “spectacular and awe-inspiring.”

However, critics argue that many residents have been displaced and the compensation paid is not enough to enable them to build a new life.

Indonesia, a country with thousands of islands stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific and a population of around 280 million people, is the largest island nation in the world.

The construction of Nusantara in Borneo represents a significant shift in Indonesia’s future, as President Jokowi sees it as an opportunity to shape the country’s next era. Aiming to prevent Jakarta’s inevitable demise due to subsidence, Nusantara is set to become an eco-city and smart city, providing its residents with a sustainable and technologically advanced living environment.

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