
If Utah hosts another successful Winter Olympics, commitments to improving environmental quality will be an important factor

If Utah hosts another successful Winter Olympics, commitments to improving environmental quality will be an important factor

The Olympics are coming! The Olympics are coming!


We thank the sustained efforts of our Organising Committee, the continuation of the international winter competitions at the original venues from 2002 and the overwhelming enthusiasm of our citizens.

But what new challenges must we face in order to welcome the world back and earn its admiration?

Yes, some infrastructure and communications improvements.

But given the increasing impacts of climate change and the associated uncertain seasonal extremes, will there still be enough snow in ten years and will we even be able to breathe the air?

Will they, assuming the state’s Republican legislature continues to hold sway, have the vision and, frankly, the backbone to stop wasting water on alfalfa for China, restrict MAG Corp.’s diversion of the Great Salt Lake, and encourage and mandate necessary water conservation measures along our Wasatch Front to preserve our livable environment?

If we can host another successful Winter Olympic Games, it will be primarily because of the commitment of state and federal governments to the environmental quality of life of the people of Utah and all Americans.

It is time to put aside blind partisan loyalties and, in the privacy of your voting booth, move the levers in favor of those most capable and committed to our best American values.

Peter R. Finn, Murray

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