
If Palestinian protesters knew what was good for them, they would vote for Kamala Harris

If Palestinian protesters knew what was good for them, they would vote for Kamala Harris

I was thinking about this after watching protesters interrupt Nancy Pelosi as she spoke to Stephen Colbert during his live television broadcast.

Whatever you think is wrong with Joe Biden, Trump will be infinitely worse. This is another one of those obvious things that people don’t talk about.

Do you believe in the Palestinian cause?


Are you appalled because innocent Palestinian civilians are being senselessly killed?

That’s what every decent person should be.

You hate Joe Biden because he sells weapons to Israel?

That is your right.

I could go on like this, but let’s get straight to the most important question that all Palestinian supporters should be asking each other.


What exactly do you think will happen to the Palestinian cause if Donald Trump is re-elected?


This is the man who sparked protests across Gaza when he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem. This is the man who worked overtime to ban immigrants from Muslim countries. This is the man who put his Jewish son-in-law in charge of Middle East policy. His party is the party that labels Muslims “jihadist terrorists.” Trump rewarded that label by vowing he would “go after their women and their children.”

Trump has promised to round up every illegal immigrant by force and put them in detention camps. Does anyone want to speculate on how many Palestinians will end up in these camps? Suppose some of the suffering people in Gaza want to come to America and look for a chance to build a new life. How will Donald Trump welcome them? Everyone knows the answer to that. Let’s all say it together:

“Send them back to the shitholes they came from.”

And as for your right to protest against Donald Trump’s statements and policies, you can forget about it right now.

This is the man who spent all of 2016 throwing protesters out of his rallies. “Beat them up.” “Hit them with tomatoes.” “Take his coat away and throw him in the snow.” This is the man who ordered police to smash people’s heads on the roof of cars when they were arrested.

That’s his take on protesters. Good luck trying to interrupt one of his speeches. If Donald wins at Shoot’em on Fifth Avenue, your protest days are over.

It will not be because he has recognized the justice of your request.


PS: Here is the other side of the coin

If Israel’s friends knew what was good for them, they would vote for Kamala Harris

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