
How to sleep well despite hay fever

How to sleep well despite hay fever

Pollen levels are “very high” across the country, and the nation has the runny nose and watery eyes to prove it. But it’s one thing to be sneezing all day and quite another to be unable to sleep at night because of it.

It is hard enough to sleep well in summer – especially now that the heat Finally here – add a pollen allergy to the mix and it can be a recipe for disaster. Hay fever symptoms lead to tiredness, fatigue and exhaustion, but can then keep you up all night, sapping your energy the next day and making you feel even worse in a vicious cycle that can affect your daily life.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here, airborne allergen expert Max Wiseberg explains how to establish a bedtime routine and keep your bedroom pollen-free to ensure you Do you still get the sleep you need.

Snapshot of a young man blowing his nose with a handkerchief outdoorsSnapshot of a young man blowing his nose with a handkerchief outdoors

There are ways to avoid sneezing in the bedroom. (Getty Images)

In addition to the usual symptoms like sneezing and coughing, a runny or stuffy nose, itchy, red or watery eyes, itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears, loss of sense of smell and headaches (the list goes on, joy), Wiseberg adds, “Hay fever can also affect our sleep, causing disruption and difficulty falling asleep.”

“These symptoms can, in turn, lower our energy levels, leaving us feeling low and sluggish. So getting a good night’s sleep is important so your body is better prepared to deal with symptoms the next day.”

With that in mind, Wiseberg of HayMax suggests the following bedtime routine to increase your chances of a restful sleep…

  1. Take a shower or bath before bed to wash pollen from your skin and hair (this will also help you relax).

  2. Apply an organic, drug-free allergen barrier balm to catch pollen before it enters your body while you sleep – less pollen, fewer reactions (try a lavender variety; lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties, so it can help you sleep)

  3. Sleep on your side rather than your back as this is more comfortable if you have a stuffy nose.

  4. Cover your bed with a clean sheet every morning, then carefully remove and fold it before going to bed at night (this will prevent pollen from remaining on your bedding).

  5. Turn your pillows just before going to bed to avoid inhaling pollen from the pillow.

  6. Prevent pollen from entering your bedroom

Elderly Asian woman doing her morning routine and making her bed at home. Let's start the dayElderly Asian woman doing her morning routine and making her bed at home. Let's start the day

What is your current bedtime and morning routine? (Getty Images)

Wiseberg also recommends these hay fever tricks to reduce pollen out of where you sleep…

  • Keep your bedroom door and windows closed to prevent pollen from entering or being blown in by the wind.

  • Dry bedding indoors to prevent the wind outside from blowing pollen onto it

  • If you have a pet, keep it away from your bed and also from the bedroom if possible (regular grooming and shampooing of your pet will also remove pollen from its fur).

And these cleaning tips are also worth applying…

  • Wash bedding very regularly to prevent the accumulation of pollen, dust and animal allergens

  • Wipe damp dust regularly to prevent pollen accumulation (wet dusting prevents pollen particles from getting back into the air)

  • Vacuum your room regularly, including fabrics such as curtains and upholstery, to avoid pollen accumulation.

  • Store blankets and stuffed animals in a closet to prevent the accumulation of allergens

Finally, the allergy expert adds: “If you have a sedating antihistamine like Piriton, it may be useful to take it before bed. Otherwise, it’s probably best to take an antihistamine in the morning and apply the barrier balm before bed.” However, always consult a doctor to see what’s right for you.

Regard: Sleeping with hay fever: How to get through it well

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