
How black science fiction and fantasy writers are turning the narrative on its head

How black science fiction and fantasy writers are turning the narrative on its head

Science fiction has always been a way of imagining the future. Sometimes in its optimal form, sometimes as what the future might look like if people did not tend toward the good and the just. As legendary science fiction writer Isaac Asimov once wrote, “The saddest aspect of life at present is that science fiction is accumulating knowledge faster than society is accumulating wisdom.”

Black women have always accumulated knowledge faster than society as a whole has accumulated wisdom. As a result, black women science fiction or fantasy writers are perhaps the most forward-thinking authors in these genres. For a long time, the field was dominated primarily by white men: the JRR Tolkiens, Philip K. Dicks, and George RR Martins of the field. But the popularity and foresight of a handful of black women authors proves that the reading public is ready to imagine a better tomorrow, today.

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