
Hidden Valley homeowners tell county officials about their problems after severe flooding

Hidden Valley homeowners tell county officials about their problems after severe flooding

After historic flooding hit Hidden Valley on July 21, some homeowners are still struggling to finance necessary repairs to their homes. At a community meeting Thursday night, dozens of residents spoke to county staff about their problems.

It’s been more than two weeks since flooding ravaged roads and affected about 100 homes in Hidden Valley. But while the roads have mostly been repaired, many homeowners are still dealing with damage to their homes, and some are blaming the county.

“I don’t think it’s just because it rained so much. (Washoe County staff) didn’t take care of the park,” said Tracey Frandsen, a Hidden Valley homeowner.

But Deputy County Manager Dave Solaro said the county is as prepared as possible for historic flooding.

“We are prepared for these things to happen. It’s unfortunate when they do happen. This was confined to a small community. I think for every single one of the homeowners affected, this is an emergency and that’s why we took this very seriously,” Solaro said.

Many residents do not have flood insurance, adding to their financial burden. For some, like homeowner Marge Frandsen’s neighbors, this means they will have to raise tens of thousands of dollars to repair their homes.

“All of their property is massively damaged, and they’re older. I have no idea how they’re ever going to fix it, and the estimate is probably $75,000 or more to fix it,” Marge Frandsen said.

Solaro said the goal of the meeting was to document residents’ specific issues and, if necessary, consider changes to the county’s zoning ordinance and hazard mitigation plans.

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