
Here’s how you can help sea turtles and wading birds this Labor Day weekend

Here’s how you can help sea turtles and wading birds this Labor Day weekend

FLORIDA – As Labor Day weekend approaches, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has issued a reminder of how citizens can help protect sea turtles and shorebirds.

Florida’s beaches provide important nesting habitat for several species of endangered sea turtles and shorebirds, which depend on the beaches for successful nesting, resting and migration.

Across the state, on many beaches, young sea turtles are still hatching from their nests and trying to find their way to the ocean. According to the FWC, any disturbance, including artificial light and getting too close, can cause the hatchlings to become confused and disorientated, jeopardizing their chances of survival.

RELATED: Beachgoers are urged to pay attention to the safety of sea turtles during the nesting season

Florida’s beaches also host endangered wading and seabirds year-round. Birds like the ringed plover and red knot return during migration to recharge and stay for the winter. Giving wading and seabirds a place to rest and forage benefits them year-round.

Here are some FWC-recommended actions to help both sea turtles and shorebirds visit the beach:

  • After dark, turn off the lights or close the curtains to Make sure nesting turtles are not disturbed or disoriented when they come ashore, and that hatchlings are not disoriented when they emerge from their nests. Any lighting can misdirect and disturb nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings, leading them away from the sea and toward potential dangers. If lighting is still visible, make sure outdoor lighting near nesting beaches is long, low, and shielded. Avoid using color flashlights, cell phone lights, and flash photography after dark on the beach.

  • At the end of the day, clear the way – Properly dispose of or recycle all trash, fill human-dug holes in the sand, and remove all beach toys and furniture from the beach before sunset. Obstructions on the beach can prevent sea turtles from nesting. Properly dispose of trash and food scraps, as these can attract predators that then prey on sea turtle hatchlings and flightless wading birds.

  • Give sea turtles, young animals and wading birds space. If you get too close to hatchlings or nesting sea turtles, they may not reach their destination. If an animal changes its behavior as you approach, it is a sign that you may have gotten too close.

  • Drive slowly on coastal roads to ensure the safety of wildlife and pedestrians. Although it is not a common sight, be on the lookout for disoriented sea turtles or young, flightless wading birds in unexpected places such as coastal trails or roads.

If you find a sea turtle hatchling or adult sea turtle in distress, immediately call the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

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