
Harry Potter theory links the Dursleys’ gifts to the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter theory links the Dursleys’ gifts to the Deathly Hallows

We’re always open to weird and crazy Harry Potter fan theories, but this astute observation may be the smartest.

Redditor IShootWithACamera suggests a clever but subtle connection between the Dursleys’ birthday presents for young Harry and the events in the epic Potter timeline.

We all assumed that Vernon and Petunia were perhaps the meanest and most malicious guardians, but later in the story there may have been a clue for Harry at Hogwarts that made him predictable.

What’s particularly notable is that the three gifts they send him could possibly represent the three Deathly Hallows he picks up along the way, so you could call it a hidden Easter egg.


That’s the theory…

In the first year, they send Harry a 50 pence coin, perhaps to symbolize the Resurrection Stone.

In the second year he receives a toothpick that represents the Elder Wand.

And in the fourth year, the young Potter is given a single handkerchief, which represents the Invisibility Cloak.

While the fan speculates if this is all a coincidence, is it really? It seems too unlikely that JK Rowling would have included insignificant, fairly useless items that would resemble the main inventory so closely during the journey to defeat Voldemort.


And if you’re wondering why they left out the other years and made certain choices to make this theory work, think again, because the Dursleys didn’t send gifts in any of the other years.


Whatever the case, it’s unlikely that these random “gifts” would be thrown in thoughtlessly, as Rowling carefully plans even the smallest detail in each of her books and throughout the series.

What do you think?

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Photo credit: Warner Bros.

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