
“Harry Potter” star Ralph Fiennes condemns constant attacks against JK Rowling: “She is just a woman who wants to say: ‘I am a woman'”

“Harry Potter” star Ralph Fiennes condemns constant attacks against JK Rowling: “She is just a woman who wants to say: ‘I am a woman'”

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2010), Warner Bros. Pictures

According to famous actor Ralph Fiennes, the constant attacks and accusations of bigotry against Harry Potter The criticism of US author JK Rowling over her concern for the rights of biological women in the face of a growing political tendency to bow to the demands of transgender activists on gender issues is simply “appalling”.

Source: Ralph Fiennes on his crush on Audrey Hepburn and films that make him cry | Screen Tests, W Magazine YouTube

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Fiennes, whose connection to the author dates back to his portrayal of Lord Voldemort in the eight-film adaptation of her groundbreaking fantasy series, recently shared his thoughts on her continued ostracism in an interview with the New York Times.

Source: Ralph Fiennes analyzes his most iconic characters, GQ YouTube

Speaking to author Maureen Dowd, the actor first touched on Rowling, recalling that when he was first approached for the role, he was ‘at first, I think, a little snooty.'”

“I thought, ‘Oh, this is a fantasy thing for children. I’m not sure,'” Fiennes said, before noting that his “proudest moment” was when a Harry Potter The child of a film crew member cried after seeing him in his full, made-up appearance as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and believed he was the real Dark Lord.

Source: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Warner Bros. Pictures

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With Rowling’s name now on the table, Fiennes turned to the ongoing cycle of controversy and condemnation that has surrounded the author in recent years.

“JK Rowling has written these amazing books about empowerment, about little kids discovering themselves as people,” said the actor, pushing back against the idea that the author is nothing more than a hateful fanatic. “It’s about how to become a better, stronger, more morally sound person.”

Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2010), Warner Bros. Pictures

“The verbal abuse that’s been directed at her is disgusting, it’s appalling,” he continued. “I mean, I can understand being angry about what she says about women. But this isn’t obscene, ultra-right fascism. It’s just a woman saying, ‘I’m a woman and I feel that I’m a woman and I want to be able to say that I’m a woman.’

“And I understand where she’s coming from,” he finally claimed. “Even though I’m not a woman.”

Source: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Warner Bros. Pictures

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Fiennes had previously spoken out in support of Rowling in an interview with The Telegraph in March 2021.

“I cannot understand the vitriol directed against them,” he said. “I can understand the heat of an argument, but I find this age of accusations and the need to condemn irrational.”

“I find the level of hatred that people express towards views that differ from their own and the violence of language towards others disturbing,” he concluded.

Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2010), Warner Bros. Pictures

Fiennes is not the first Harry Potter Film alumni believe the backlash against Rowling is unjustified.

When the Independent asked Draco Malfoy actor Tom Felton for his opinion on her recent comments on transgender politics earlier this month, he protested: “First of all, I don’t know enough about the details of what people have said.”

Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2010), Warner Bros. Pictures

“My dog ​​takes up far too much of my time for me to be able to deal with such things,” said The Flash CW Actor. “I mean, it’s obvious that I’m for free choice, for discussion, for human rights in all areas and for love. And I don’t really have much time for anything that isn’t those things.”

Felton also praised how the author’s works transcend age and race, admitting, “Honestly, my friends and I all have different opinions on different topics and we celebrate our own choices. We certainly don’t enjoy targeting people who have said things we disagree with.”

Source: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2010), Warner Bros. Pictures

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Although Rowling has been accused of being anti-transgender, the author clarified in December 2021 that she “never said there are only two genders,” but rather questioned the importance given to the sense of acceptance for transgender people in a particular space versus the safety of biological women.

Referring to the results of a Rasmussen Report poll published the same month, which found that when asked whether they “agree or disagree with Rowling’s belief that there are two genders, male and female, (…) 75% of American adults agreed with the statement, 64% strongly agreed, and 18% disagreed,” Rowling tweeted on December 29, “I never said there were only two genders.”

Source: JK Rowling, Twitter

Rather, she stated that she believes there are “countless gender identities” and that the real “key question in this debate is whether sex or gender identity should form the basis for decisions about protection, service provision, sporting categories and other areas in which women and girls currently enjoy legal rights and protection.”

Source: JK Rowling, Twitter

RELATED: JK Rowling clarifies: ‘I never said there were only two genders,’ says the real question is ‘whether sex or gender identity should form the basis for decisions about women’s rights and protections’

“Using the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably obscures the central issue of this debate,” Rowling continued, referring to an article the Harry Potter author wrote in June last year explaining her reasons for speaking out on sex and gender issues. “If you want to know what I actually said, read (the article) (in which I literally say ‘trans lives matter’ and ‘trans rights are human rights.’)”

Source: JK Rowling, Twitter

After Rowling criticized the miswording of her words, Rasmussen Reports published a correction to its original report and apologized for its error.

“Rasmussen Reports regrets any misunderstanding that may have arisen from the wording of this poll and article, and sincerely apologizes to Ms. Rowling for misrepresenting her views,” the clarification said.

Source: People, YouTube

NEXT: JK Rowling mocks Scottish police for documenting male rapists as women

Mentioned in this article: Harry Potter, JK Rowling, Ralph Fiennes, Tom Felton

More about:Celebrities

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