
Hancock County school levy vote | News, Sports, Jobs

Hancock County school levy vote | News, Sports, Jobs

Hancock County school levy vote | News, Sports, Jobs

LET’S GO – Hancock County County Commissioners on Thursday approved a motion to place a proposed bond levy for Hancock County Schools on the ballot for the Nov. 5 county election. County Commissioners Eron Chek and Paul Cowey and County Clerk Karan Valenti were present. Commission President Jeff Davis joined Thursday’s meeting by phone. – Craig Howell

NEW CUMBERLAND – A bond levy proposed by Hancock County Schools will be on the ballot in the Nov. 5 election.

By a 3-0 vote, the Hancock County Commission on Thursday approved a school district request to place the proposed $10,650,000 bond levy on the county ballot.

“This is subject to approval by the Hancock County School Board,” said Commissioner Paul Cowey.

The district school board approved the proposed bond levy during its meeting on Monday evening.

Cowey and Commissioner Eron Chek attended Thursday’s meeting in person; Commission President Jeff Davis participated by telephone.

School officials said bonds would be sold to fund a series of safety and improvement projects at all school facilities in the county, with the levy having a 10 1/2-year term to pay off the bonds.

Taxes would be levied at a rate of 3.82 cents per $100 of assessed value for Class I property, 7.64 cents per $100 for Class II property, and 15.28 cents per $100 for Class III and IV property.

The proposed projects and their costs for each school would include:

Oak Glen High School: $2,096,728 for gymnasium improvements, theater improvements, visitor identification systems, security vestibule upgrades, installation of security cameras, gun detection systems, cell phone boosters, lunch counter replacement, baseball and softball field concrete surface improvements, paving and parking lots, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, elevator, signage, storage building and a fire alarm system.

Weir High School, $2,150,352, gymnasium improvements, theater improvements, visitor identification systems, security camera installation, weapon detection systems, cell phone boosters, lunch counter replacement, paving and parking lot improvements, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, roof and skylights, signage, storage building, fencing, guardrails and fire alarm systems.

John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center, $1,296,422, visitor identification systems, installation of security cameras, weapons detection systems, improvements to security vestibules, security gates, cell phone boosters, and improvements to paving and parking lots, elevators, signage, storage buildings, and fire alarm systems.

Oak Glen Middle School, $1,633,011, gymnasium upgrades, installation of security cameras, visitor identification systems, weapon detection systems, security vestibule upgrades, pyrite remediation project, cell phone booster, lunch counter replacement, paving and parking lots, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, storage building and signage.

Weir Middle School, $1,173,417, gymnasium improvements, theater improvements, installation of security cameras, visitor identification systems, weapon detection systems, cell phone boosters, lunch counter replacement, paving and parking lots, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, signage and fire alarm systems.

AT Allison Elementary, $530,220, playgrounds, paving and parking lot improvements, installation of security cameras, visitor identification system, gun detection systems, cell phone boosters, storage building and lunch counter replacement.

New Manchester Elementary, $500,821, playgrounds, pavement and parking lot improvements, installation of security cameras, visitor identification systems, gun detection systems, cell phone boosters and lunch counter replacement.

Weirton Elementary, $664,135, playgrounds, additional access road, paving and parking lot improvements, visitor identification systems, weapon detection systems, installation of security cameras, cell phone boosters and replacement of lunch counters.

Transportation and maintenance facilities: $444,894, a new salt storage facility, installation of security cameras, paving improvements at each facility.

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