
Guys list the minimum requirements they expect from Grindr hosts

Guys list the minimum requirements they expect from Grindr hosts

Several users suggested that a host should give their guest a glass of water—or, to address safety concerns, a sealed water bottle. (“I’m super nervous and can never accept a glass from a host unless I’m right there watching them pour it,” one user noted.)

Others suggested that the host offer guests use of their shower – or at least fresh towels. “I always offer the shower and have a clean towel there,” revealed one commenter. “I also have towels next to the sofa for those who just want to wipe down without showering.”

And it’s important to set the right mood, commenters said. “Always make sure they feel relaxed and comfortable and that your conversations beforehand give you an idea of ​​what you both want,” one recommended.

Someone else wrote: “Put on some calm, pleasant music. Just because it’s a flirty thing doesn’t mean all pleasantries go out the window. Offer them a drink (alcoholic or not) and ask how their day was. Of course, you’re there to meet, not to chat. But the way you welcome them goes a long way toward making them feel relaxed and comfortable.”

And then there’s this Reddit user who got lucky with a Grindr date: “A guy offered me an ice cream sandwich after sex. He’s in the Host Hall of Fame for that.”

Note: Answers have been edited for readability and brevity.

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