
Great pumpkin? How about a pretty good one?

Great pumpkin? How about a pretty good one?

Jill Wagner has sadly retired from writing. While we look for a replacement for her column (third Wednesday of the month), we’re publishing some of her greatest hits. This week, “Great Pumpkin” from last August.

I’m not sure if anyone else in town is trying to grow a giant pumpkin, but if you’re looking for competition, you’re probably going to win this year. I’ve planted three bunches of giant pumpkins, including the seeds from a giant pumpkin I bought at the farmer’s market last fall, but only one plant is still growing. That one plant finally bloomed last week, so it can’t compete with the big boys that go to the state fair.

I grew several pumpkins indoors this spring before the last frost and lost a few as I was hardening off the plants. Only one survived a week or two after transplanting. The early start was supposed to give me a head start on the pumpkin growing season, but after the frost I started a few more hills of new seeds.

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