
GOoD Works helps rebuild lives in Lexington County community

GOoD Works helps rebuild lives in Lexington County community

GOoD Works, a faith-based organization in Chapin, has been supporting community members since 2002.

“The primary focus is on repairing homes for those in need in our community to ensure our neighbors have safe, dry and sanitary living conditions,” said Executive Director Mary Higginbotham. “In 2023, we completed more than 120 projects including roof repairs, plumbing, flooring, wells and HVAC repairs. We also provided a mobile home to a customer who needed housing.”

Recommendations of those in need of help are often made by word of mouth and the work is then done by several volunteers.

Most of those who donate their time and services to GOoD Works are retirees and church groups.

“We need volunteers who are skilled at home repairs, but also those who are not as skilled as what we call ‘eager helpers,'” Higginbotham said. “Our skilled volunteers don’t have to be construction professionals and don’t need to know everything about every aspect of home repairs. Whether a volunteer is more plumbing or carpentry proficient, we need them. Plus, we work on projects during the week, weekends and year-round, and our volunteers can be flexible to work around their schedule and needs.”

Projects such as painting interior and exterior spaces, assisting the elderly with gardening, and a number of other improvements benefit many people in the community. The most common repairs involve problems with roofs and water usage, and the cost to fix these problems can run into the thousands of dollars.

Higginbotham spends a lot of time applying for grants to cover the cost of repairing or replacing roofs, as they are expensive and difficult for people to fix on their own. She is grateful to be able to offer help to her clients, she says.

When asked what inspires her most about GOoD Works and the organization’s ability to renovate homes, Higginbotham said, “I remember meeting an elderly lady who came to us looking for a ramp for her house so her husband could get in and out of the house. When I told her we could build it, she asked how much it would cost. I told her it was free and she looked at me in surprise and tearfully asked why. I shared with her that Jesus has called us to serve one another and love one another and GOoD Works is here to do that.”

If you would like to make a financial donation to GOoD Works, volunteer your time, or invite Higginbotham to give your group a presentation about her mission, more information is available at and the phone number is 803-345-2030.

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