
Good soybean harvest expected in southeast Missouri

Good soybean harvest expected in southeast Missouri


Good soybean harvest expected in southeast Missouri

Good soybean harvest expected in southeast Missouri

The soybean harvest is almost here, and state agriculture experts in southeast Missouri expect the early planted soybeans to produce decent yields.

“The average yield for this area is 65 bushels/acre for soybeans.”

According to Robyn Chlapecka, Extension agronomist, the weather in August was favorable for soybean development and farmers are now trying to decide when to dry the soybeans.

“This week or so, they’ll be checking to see if the soybeans have reached the R6 growth stage. It’s difficult to know when to do it because if you start too early, it will hurt the yield.”

Cropping systems specialist Justin Calhoun says researchers at the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center have studied early planting dates and the optimal time for farmers is early to mid-April.

“After April 15, I lose half a bushel per acre per day every day. Let’s say we have a weather delay and planting is delayed 10 days to two weeks, that can cost us 7 to 8 bushels per acre.”

He says many farmers planted their soybeans at the right time this year and that will make a difference.

Brownfield interviewed Chlapecka and Calhoun at the MU Extension 2024 Ag Research Expo in Portageville, Missouri.

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