
Good poll results for Harris – outside the Beltway

Good poll results for Harris – outside the Beltway

Good poll news for Harris



Over The Financial Times: Kamala Harris enjoys more trust than Donald Trump when it comes to the US economy.

Although 41 percent of Americans still trust the former president more on economic issues – unchanged from the previous two monthly polls – the survey found that 42 percent of voters believe Harris can handle the economy better, up 7 percentage points from Biden’s numbers last month.

Statistically speaking, it’s a tie. However, there was a significant shift in an area that was a major weakness for the Democrats.

Meanwhile, the trend line at the Thirty-fiveEight The poll aggregator makes the Harris people happy and the Trump people less so.

Admittedly, statistically it is still a draw.

The numbers in the swing states are similar (i.e. there are statistical similarities with Harris-favoring trends). For example, Fox News reports:

According to polls released this weekend by Siena College for the New York Times, Harris leads Trump by four percentage points among likely voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – 50% to 46%.


According to the new polls, Harris is two percentage points ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania, five percentage points ahead in Michigan and six percentage points ahead in Wisconsin in a multi-candidate field that also includes Democrat and now independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West.


The New York Times and Siena College polls were conducted between August 5 and 8 with 619 registered voters in Michigan and 661 in Wisconsin. The Pennsylvania poll was conducted between August 6 and 9 with 693 registered voters.

Steven L. Taylor

About Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor is Professor of Political Science and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. His areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: The American Government through the Perspective of 31 Countries. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally on the now-defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Þjórsárdalur

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