
FIRST WEATHER WARNING DAY | Heat during the week

FIRST WEATHER WARNING DAY | Heat during the week

(WSAZ) – A week of extreme heat is expected to impact the entire WSAZ broadcast area. Extreme temperatures are expected to begin tomorrow and continue through Friday. As a result, dangerous heat weather days have been established for this period. High pressure remains in place in the region, bringing dry conditions and southerly winds to the forecast area. This will drive temperatures above 35 degrees and below 50 degrees.

The peak of this heat will be on Wednesday, with many locations likely reaching temperatures in the triple digits. Add some humidity and heat indices (or feels like temperatures) will be in the low and mid-triple digits. This will cause problems for the elderly, pets, and people exposed to the heat for very long periods of time (including children in school without air conditioning and children playing/playing fall sports). Make sure you stay hydrated and find ways to cool off.

A low pressure system will eventually form to the west, moving up from the Rocky Mountains. This will eventually develop into a cold front that will bring showers and thunderstorms to the region on Friday and Saturday. Despite the chance of storms, the region is still expected to be dry as not much rain is expected, so be sure to have sprinklers and hoses ready!

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