
Feature film “Good One” executive produced by Tinygiant premieres in the USA

Feature film “Good One” executive produced by Tinygiant premieres in the USA

New: India Donaldson’s feature film debut “Good One,” which was popular with critics and festivalgoers at this year’s Sundance Festival, is now set to open in U.S. theaters on August 9, 2024. “Good One” was the only film to play at both the Sundance and Cannes Festivals this year, and will premiere at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in the parallel section “Directors’ Fortnight.”

Executive produced by Tinygiant, an experienced commercial film production company making its first big breakthrough in the feature-length format, Good One is a coming-of-age story about the aftermath of a father and daughter camping trip. Notably, it is Metrograph Pictures’ first release. The film was produced by Diana Irvine, Graham Mason, India Donaldson and Wilson Cameron, and executive produced by Sarah Winshall of Smudge Films and Neil Champagne, Veronica Diaferia and Sara Eolin of Tinygiant.

“Good One”: 17-year-old Sam (Lily Collias) goes on a three-day backpacking trip to the Catskills with her father Chris (James Le Gros) and his oldest friend Matt (Danny McCarthy). As a slightly quarrelsome brotherly dynamic quickly develops between the two men and long-held grievances are aired, Sam, very wise for her age, tries to mediate. But when boundaries are crossed and Sam’s trust is betrayed, tensions reach a boiling point as Sam struggles with her father’s emotional boundaries and experiences the universal moment when the parental bond is tested.

Tinygiant founder and executive producer Veronica Diaferia notes, “We are so proud of the recognition ‘Good One’ has received and it’s exciting to see how well it’s been received by audiences. I’ve been to the Cannes Lions Festival more times than I can count – it was exciting to be on the red carpet a month earlier.”

Since 2015, Tinygiant has been one of the industry’s few production companies owned and operated by women. It was led from the start by Veronica Diaferia and in 2022 she welcomed her partner/EP Sara Eolin. Tinygiant has made a name for itself in the commercial and branding space, building a reputation as a trusted partner with impeccable taste, boasting a roster of experienced directors while also providing a launching pad for diverse emerging talent. In parallel, the feature film division has gained momentum under the leadership of Head of Development Neil Champagne.

“The world of advertising is constantly changing. As a production company, you have to too. We owe it to our directors and our clients to offer them support with long-form films. But most importantly, we owe it to young Sara, Neil and Veronica who went to film school with the desire to make films from 30 seconds to 120 minutes. The lines between advertising and entertainment are becoming increasingly blurred and we are thrilled to see both sides succeed,” says Sara.

Good One is right in the middle of Tinygiant’s core ideals. It’s the first film by a female filmmaker, with a standout performance from the lead actress, and it was shot in upstate New York. Tinygiant is always looking for emerging voices and supporting their rise, and loves doing so in their beloved New York. “We couldn’t be prouder and more grateful to be part of such a powerful story and stunning vision from India and her team,” says Neil.

Watch the trailer here.

Official US theatrical release: August 9, 2024

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