
Family tragedy repeats itself: Woman from San Jose suffers from life-threatening kidney disease

Family tragedy repeats itself: Woman from San Jose suffers from life-threatening kidney disease

A woman from San Jose says she has been on dialysis for nine hours a day for four months because of her failing kidneys.

Now she is trying everything she can to find a donor.

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Deepti Bahel, 35, says her life turned upside down in April when she went to the doctor because of stomach pain.

After further tests, it was discovered that Bahel was suffering from end-stage renal disease, a severe form of kidney failure that has drastically changed the course of her life.

Her condition requires her to undergo dialysis nine hours a day, seven days a week, a grueling regimen that leaves little room for normality.

“A normal person’s kidney is about 11.5 centimeters in size, but my kidneys are only 5.5 to 6 centimeters in size and their functionality is less than 15 percent,” Bahel said.

She is very familiar with her path because her father also suffered from kidney failure.

I saw my father have a heart attack and take his last breath in front of me. It was like saying: This is a very difficult time for everyone,” she said.

Bahel said her family has not fully recovered from her father’s death and now she is suffering from the same illness.

Bahel’s brother lives in Toronto with his pregnant wife and travels back and forth to help his sister. Due to her illness, her mother has to take care of her full-time.

Despite this challenge, Bahel fights every day and hopes that a new kidney transplant will restore her health.

“Giving someone a kidney is like giving a life,” she said. “It’s the most blessed thing you can do in the world.”

If you want to help Bahel, you can spread the word about donating, she says.

If you would like to test whether you are a good fit for Bahel, you can fill out an online form HERE.

All you need is her full name, Deepti Bahel, and her date of birth, October 2, 1989.

This story will be updated.

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