
Explaining Trump and Biden to a five-year-old

Explaining Trump and Biden to a five-year-old

My nephew posted a meme asking someone to explain to him like a five-year-old why we are better off now. This is my response.

Well, when Trump was president, you were two years old and you probably don’t remember some things. We had a very, very bad disease that killed a lot of people. A lot of people didn’t take the medicine they were given and died! People had to stay home to avoid getting sick and that led to a lot of changes for workers and businesses. They were bad times. When the new president took office, they made sure the disease was under control. Then he worked with other politicians and they passed laws to get people back to work, build bridges, and protect the environment. Today, more people have jobs than ever before and almost no one has this disease!

Also, old President Trump didn’t win the election (it’s like he doesn’t have that many friends anymore). He was supposed to leave the house he was living in so the new President could move in. He didn’t want to do that, so he asked a group of people to come and hurt those who wanted him to move out. Many people got hurt, some killed. Many people went to jail!!!!

Then the old president took some things from the house that didn’t belong to him! And when they asked him to return them, he lied and said he didn’t have them, even though there were photos of them. Then he said they were his, even though he knew they weren’t. Then he tried to hide them! The police had to come to his house and get them back, and even then they didn’t get everything.

The old president was also very mean to girls. He did horrible things to them and when they betrayed him, he got mad. He got in trouble because he tried to lie about it.

So people aren’t as sick anymore. More people have jobs. We’re getting new roads and bridges and maybe even some very fast trains so we can travel better. People aren’t as mean to each other anymore and crime has gone down everywhere! People are helping each other instead of fighting each other. This is a good time.

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