
Experts warn: Driving under the influence of alcohol on Labor Day is a “dangerous, deadly decision”

Experts warn: Driving under the influence of alcohol on Labor Day is a “dangerous, deadly decision”

The Labor Day holiday season marks the unofficial end of summer. It’s also one of the busiest—and deadliest—times for travelers on the country’s roads, due in large part to an increase in accidents and deaths caused by driving under the influence of alcohol.

According to federal data, nearly 500 people lost their lives in car crashes nationwide over Labor Day weekend alone last year. Nearly 40% of those were drunk drivers, and a quarter (25%) were drivers driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) nearly twice the legal limit.

“Driving while impaired, whether from alcohol or drugs, puts you and everyone else on the road at risk,” Sophie Shulman, deputy commissioner of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), said in a statement. “Even a single drink can impair your ability to drive, and if you choose to drive, the consequences can be deadly.”

The federal agency recently launched its annual, nationwide, high-profile campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” which runs through Sept. 2. The goal of the safety initiative is to deter drunk driving, prevent the tragedies of past Labor Day weekends and remind people to avoid the risk of driving while under the influence, which is dangerous and carries serious legal consequences.

The campaign will be supported by $15 million for national media and will include English and Spanish language ads on television, radio and digital platforms, and will increase the number of police officers working with their local communities to prevent drunk driving.

The federal agency is calling on people to:

  • act responsibly and make arrangements for a safe ride home if you plan to drink or use any alcohol that impairs your performance, including marijuana;
  • Never drive after consuming alcohol, marijuana or other drugs;
  • Designate a sober driver in advance, call a rideshare service or taxi, or use public transportation to ensure the children get home safely.
  • If you’re hosting a party on Labor Day weekend or any other time of year, make sure all guests get home safe and sober.
  • Never let a friend drive or ride a motorcycle if he or she is impaired.
  • If you see an impaired driver on the road, call 911.

“Every 39 minutes in 2022, a person died in a crash while under the influence of alcohol, leaving behind families, friends and communities that will never be whole again,” Shulman added. “Our message is urgent because in 2022, alcohol-related driving deaths accounted for nearly a third of all road deaths, killing 13,524 people.”

“After all,” she said, “driving under the influence is a choice. It is a choice that could cost you your job, your freedom, your life or the life of another road user.”

For more information about driving under the influence of alcohol, click here. For more information about the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, click here.

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