
Exhibit featuring World Trade Center steel and other artifacts coming to Clovis 9/11 Memorial

Exhibit featuring World Trade Center steel and other artifacts coming to Clovis 9/11 Memorial

9/11 Memorial

The California 9/11 Memorial commemorates the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 every year. Photos by Gabriel Dillard

Events to commemorate the 23rdrd The September 11 anniversary begins early next month and is organized by the California 9/11 Memorial in Clovis.

The mobile exhibit “Tunnel to Towers 9/11 NEVER FORGET” will be on display in Clovis on September 3 and 4. The mobile exhibit is an 85-foot-long semi-trailer truck that transforms into a 1,100-square-foot museum space displaying artifacts from Ground Zero, including steel from the World Trade Center, portions of the lobby’s marble floor, and the aluminum facade.

The exhibition features videos, audio recordings of the 9/11 reports, and a tribute to the emergency workers who died on September 11, 2001, and in the terrorist attacks, as well as those who have since died from 9/11-related illnesses.

The California 9/11 Memorial Board of Directors is bringing the exhibit to the memorial site that hosted Will Jimeno last year, the Port Authority Police officer who was buried for 13 hours under the rubble of the World Trade Center. The California 9/11 Memorial hosts annual events to commemorate the 2,977 people were killed that day.

“Our mission is to honor, educate and remember those who tragically lost their lives on this day in 2001. This is an extraordinary opportunity to educate our community about our nation’s history,” said Terra Brusseau, executive director of the California 9/11 Memorial.

Tours of the exhibition are led by retired New York firefighters and first responders who served at Ground Zero.

“The 9/11 NEVER FORGET mobile exhibit will tell the story of my brother, New York City Firefighter Stephen Siller, and so many others to communities across the country, and educate a new generation about the heroic sacrifices our first responders made to save others on that tragic day,” said Frank Siller, Chairman and CEO of Tunnel to Towers.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation provides mortgage-free homes to families of Gold Star soldiers and fallen first responders with young children and builds specially adapted smart homes for severely injured veterans and first responders.

The California 9/11 Memorial is located at 3485 Never Forget Ln. in Clovis.

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