
Exciting arrival of Elena Miras

Exciting arrival of Elena Miras

Position 3 in the wilderness camp – Exciting arrival of Elena Miras

The participants of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” on RTL+ (and the following day at 8:15 p.m. on RTL) just threw out troublemaker David Ortega (38), and now the next camper is coming: reality star Elena Miras** (32) is entering the South African bush – and is not exactly welcomed with open arms.

At the beginning of the new episode, David is forced to leave the camp. “He just misbehaved,” explains Georgina Fleur (34) about his departure. While Giulia Siegel (49) is sad about his departure because she was “entertained by him in every way”, Gigi Birofio (25) sees it differently: “I hope we never see each other again. End of story.” David’s departure thus fades into the background and the events of the day move forward.

Violations of the rules constantly

And day 3 is also about breaking the rules in the camp. The participants have already broken the rules several times by sleeping too much, sharing cigarettes and, worst of all, smuggling objects into the jungle. “I think we are the most lawless jungle camp of all time,” Gigi suspects, and she is not entirely wrong. RTL assigns Winfried Glatzeder (79) to confiscate the contraband, even though he himself smuggled in lighters with tape on his butt. Gigi commits a similar violation with another pack of cigarettes. Mola Adebisi (51) has a pair of socks and Julia has practically an entire spice rack, including salt, chili, herbs and even whole stock cubes. She doesn’t feel guilty about it at all: “It’s not criminal! What is criminal is not wanting to help others.”

Without spices, the food situation will not improve. Eric Stehfest (35) earned all 12 possible stars in the first regular season Jungle test of the summer special, but the preparation of the “lavish” meals causes arguments again. Fortunately, Kader Loth (51) asks the right questions to lighten the mood: “Imagine we are stranded here after a plane crash. Who would you eat?” Since Winfried is “too tough” for her, she chooses TV Casanova Gigi: “He would be tender meat.”

Meanwhile, Thorsten Legat (55) has other worries. After crying on the second day, he lets the night watchman talk to Danni Buechner (46) about his violent father, who “terrorized the whole family.” “Little love, a lot of punishment, and you don’t forget that,” he remembers tearfully. Danni can empathize with his pain and feels “a special connection” to the ex-footballer, because her childhood was also marked by violence.

A Giulia Siegel for certain moments

On the third day, Giulia reveals some secrets in an unusual way: She reveals that she runs a channel for men with a smoking fetish. “I am the most famous smoker in Germany,” she emphasizes – her unique smoking style is popular, and she is often used as a masturbation aid. “There could be 3,000 to 4,000 people who just want to watch me smoke.”

Her smoking behavior initially only becomes conspicuous because Giulia refuses to follow the rules despite the violations mentioned. When Danni points out to her that she should not share her cigarettes, she shows no remorse: “I control my addiction as I see fit.” In an interview, the DJ rants against her opponent: “I will not have a discussion with people who are weaker than me, neither verbally nor intellectually.” She handles the situation in a similar way when Sarah Knappik (37) brings up the sharing of her luxury item. “Giulia cannot handle criticism,” Kader rightly states.

Georgina and Danni convince in the test

The next test in the Legends jungle camp is about to begin. This time, the production team has chosen Georgina and Danni, currently close friends, for the task. While Danni, who has the most jungle tests of all, takes it easy, Georgina is nervous beforehand. On the way to the test, she cries: “I don’t know why, but everything is just so awful. (…) Everything is so awful here.” The dirt in the jungle and the negative atmosphere are bothering her.

But surprisingly, everything is forgotten during the test. Georgina, who has to roll through a packing station on a skateboard and get keys from boxes – of course in jungle camp style full of snakes and various other creatures – fights bravely and without making a fuss. Meanwhile, Danni sits in a box that is also filling up with vermin and blindly catches her teammate’s keys. The two do surprisingly well – until Georgina weakens. Fish innards are too much for her. “You have to admit, she’s overdoing it a bit now,” commented presenter Sonja Zietlow (56). Nevertheless, they secure six stars and are more than satisfied. However, when they return to the camp, a nasty surprise awaits: Elena Miras has arrived.

And then comes Elena Miras

In the first two episodes, people wondered where Elena was – on the third day, she finally made her appearance. Danni Büchner in particular, who had a lot of trouble with her when she first took part in the jungle, is happy to see her again: she is simply “wrong”. Nevertheless, the TV star is also there “to simply have a good time”, as she explains.

When Georgina and Danni complete their test, the other campers gather around the jungle phone and find Elena at the campfire when she returns. The reactions are varied: Thorsten Legat sees her as a serious competitor, while Giulia Siegel is delighted by her presence and describes her as a “wonderful woman”. Elena herself is not sure why she joined the group so late. She tells the others: “I’m here to surprise my best friend Danni.”

The reception is as frosty as the jungle night. The two reality TV stars initially avoid each other, but then embrace. Contrary to expectations, a heated argument does not break out between Elena and Danni, but between Elena and Georgina. Georgina, still angry about her three-day delay in entering the jungle and the luxurious hotel stay, snaps: “What the hell is going on? Why are you here now? Can you explain?!” Her question gets on Elena’s nerves. Georgina’s bad mood and immediate demand for a good place to sleep do not help. Danni, on the other hand, remains diplomatic and suggests a change of beds. “I think this is just a temporary truce for now,” muses Mola. Will the former enemies be able to successfully maintain this truce?

In the midst of the chaos of rule violations, Elena Miras enters the camp and elicits mixed reactions. Giulia Siegel welcomes her warmly, while Georgina expresses her frustration at Elena’s late arrival.

During the competition, Georgina and Danni manage to win six stars despite initial nervousness and difficulties, and the camp participants are impressed by their performance.

I’m a star – showdown of the jungle legends. Elena joins the competition with her unique charm and her unexpected friendship with Danni, creating unexpected dynamics in the camp.

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