
Eugene police increase DUII patrols in preparation for Labor Day weekend

Eugene police increase DUII patrols in preparation for Labor Day weekend


The Eugene Police Department began working overtime Friday to staff DUII patrols as part of a statewide effort to ensure officers are available to identify, stop and prosecute drunken drivers by Sept. 1, just before Labor Day.

The enforcement initiative is funded by a DUII grant from Oregon Impact, an organization that provides educational opportunities to end impaired and distracted driving.

According to the department, drunk drivers continue to be a significant and preventable problem in the community. Local law enforcement has offered the following tips for staying safe on the road when alcohol is involved:

  • Before drinking, choose a non-drinking friend to drive with you.
  • Don’t let your friends drive while impaired.
  • If you have been drinking, call a taxi or ride share.
  • If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, make sure all guests go home with a sober driver.
  • Always wear your seatbelt – it is your best protection against unfit drivers.
  • Drivers who suspect a dangerous driver or possible driver under the influence of alcohol are asked to call 911 to assist in these efforts.

Haleigh Kochanski is a breaking news and public safety reporter for The Register-Guard. Reach her at [email protected].

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