
Epic Hulkbuster costume spotted in London

Epic Hulkbuster costume spotted in London

An amazing Hulkbuster costume that first wowed crowds at San Diego Comic Con earlier this year has been spotted on the streets of London.

The super-realistic costume measures over 9 feet tall and 6 feet wide and is inspired by the armor Iron Man wears in this summer’s Avengers: Age of Ultron.


It seems to have attracted quite a few curious glances when its creator, Thomas DePetrillo of Extreme Costumes, took it for a stroll along the South Bank and through North Greenwich.


The incredible handmade costume, which took the Marvel superfan over 16,000 hours to create, was in town to help launch the Sky Movies Christmas experience at Sky Studios at the O2 Arena.

“As this is the suit’s first time in town, I thought it would be great to get to know London and visit some of the capital’s most famous places,” said Thomas.


Above: The Hulkbuster armor as it appeared in “Age of Ultron”


If you look closely, you can even see Thomas hidden under his amazing homemade costume. I wonder if he’ll lend it to us for next Halloween?


The Sky Studios event featuring augmented and virtual reality experiences based on Cinderella and Avengers: Age of Ultron is completely free and runs until February 10.

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Check out the Hulkbuster costume in action at Comic Con below…

Photo credit: Sky Movies Christmas experience at Sky Studios, The O2

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