
Elena Miras moves into the jungle camp – and immediately causes a ruckus

Elena Miras moves into the jungle camp – and immediately causes a ruckus

Takes the place of the former "Cologne 50667" Actor David Ortega, who was eliminated from the jungle camp on the second day: the Swiss reality TV star Elena Miras.
In place of the former “Cologne 50667” actor David Ortega, who was eliminated from the jungle camp on the second day: the Swiss reality TV star Elena Miras.


Elena Miras is not exactly given a warm welcome when she enters the RTL jungle camp. The Swiss star arrives late. Arguments are inevitable.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Already on the second day, the first candidate is eliminated from the RTL jungle: David Ortega has to leave the camp in South Africa.
  • But his place does not remain empty for long – Swiss reality star Elena Miras takes his place.
  • The late arrival immediately causes discussions and arguments.

On the second day of the current season of the RTL jungle camp, a candidate was eliminated. This has never happened so quickly in the show before. But the former “Cologne 50667” actor David Ortega (38) got into trouble with the other candidates right at the start of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” and had to leave again.

But after Ortega’s expulsion, his bunk in the RTL jungle camp did not remain empty for long.

The 38-year-old was replaced by reality star Elena Miras (32) in the third episode of the special series “Showdown of the Jungle Legends”, which aired on Saturday on the streaming service RTL+. She explained directly: “The best comes last.”

Having not even arrived yet, the Swiss woman was immediately bothered by the “bed situation”, which caused quite a ruckus. But even before that, she received nothing more than a cool greeting from a few fellow campers. “I see a few alpha females among us who are worried about their position,” commented moderator Mola Adebisi.

The new season of “I’m a Celebrity” is a special edition to mark the 20th anniversary of the show, which first aired in 2004.

This time, many things are different: RTL is not showing the season at the beginning of the year, but in the summer. The setting is not Australia, but South Africa. The show is not live, but was recorded. And it is a kind of reunion for former cast members: the “legends”, as RTL calls them, have already been under the camping spotlight in previous seasons.

Who would you eat?

The question of the evening comes from reality star Kader Loth (51). She wants to know from the residents who they would eat in the camp. The choice initially falls on the oldest: actor Winfried Glatzeder (79).

Intervention came from former footballer Thorsten Legat (55): “You can’t eat him, he’s like an old bone.” Former GZSZ star Eric Stehfest (35) already has an alternative: Kader.

Low disgust factor in the test

In the jungle test, “Goodbye Germany” emigrant Danni Büchner (46) and former “Bachelor” candidate Georgina Fleur (34) had to prove themselves at the “compost station”. They were rewarded with six stars, and the disgust factor was kept to a minimum during the test.

Reality star Gigi Birofio (25) was already hungry before she got the few stars: “I don’t even want to reproduce.”

The stock cubes and spices smuggled into the camp by Giulia Siegel (49) didn’t help either. The presenter basically hid her spice rack in her pillow – but was caught and had to hand over the salts and herbs. Unsalted food is out of the question for Siegel, however: “I didn’t eat anything.”

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