
Eason Chan is nervous about resuming his world tour

Eason Chan is nervous about resuming his world tour

13 August – When he returned to his “Fear and Dreams” concert tour two months after his recent injuries, Eason Chan admitted that he was quite nervous before returning.

The singer, who resumed the tour in Ningbo, told the audience on the second night of the tour that he had initially had concerns about resuming the tour as he had not sung for a while.

He said: “Actually, the wound on my chin is not the worst, but the one on my jaw joint is because there are some cracks and some bones are broken. If I move my muscles too much, I will feel a little pain, so it’s very contradictory. But if I don’t use them, I won’t be able to open my mouth wider when singing in the future.”

Eason was afraid that he would not be able to open his mouth any further due to an injuryEason was afraid that he would not be able to open his mouth any further due to an injury

Eason was afraid that he would not be able to open his mouth any further due to an injury

Eason said that while it sounds strange, the thought of not being able to open his mouth wide is not strange at all.

“I want to tell you that it’s a question of attitude. When you encounter problems and you get stuck, are you going to take a step forward? Or are you going to stay where you are? Even though you may be very unhappy or depressed or not want to do anything, it’s really, really better to take a step forward if you’re even a little bit willing than to stay where you are!” he added.

Eason also said that he will use any breaks between shows to rest and relax so that he can perform even better for the rest of his tour.

(Photo Source: Eason Chan IG, Epoch Times)

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