
Dr. Ajay Mahajan’s debut thriller “Gravity of a Promise” takes readers on a global adventure

Dr. Ajay Mahajan’s debut thriller “Gravity of a Promise” takes readers on a global adventure

Dr. Ajay Mahajan’s debut thriller “Gravity of a Promise” takes readers on a global adventure

An exciting journey through family ties and international intrigue

Dr. Ajay Mahajan, renowned scientist, professor and entrepreneur, announces the publication of his debut novel, The weight of a promiseThis gripping thriller combines the fast-paced excitement of Formula 1 with a very personal journey across three continents.

The weight of a promise is a captivating story that revolves around Nikhil Nanda, a character inspired by Mahajan’s own experiences and life story. Set against an international backdrop, the novel begins with a dramatic promise Nikhil makes to his dying father. Despite their strained relationship, Nikhil is driven by this vow and embarks on a dangerous adventure that takes him from the glamorous world of Formula 1 to dangerous encounters in Chicago, Florence, Montpellier and Agra.

The title of the novel, Gravity of a Promise, sums up the importance and weight of Nikhil’s promise. The narrative deals with themes of family honour, personal sacrifice and the struggle to reconcile past conflicts. As Nikhil tries to fulfil his father’s dying wish, he faces Tina Kohli, a talented and mysterious colleague from his time in Formula 1. Together they uncover hidden secrets and escape a sinister antagonist who wants to thwart their mission.

Mahajan’s inspiration for the book came from his desire to share his personal journey with his daughters and capture a piece of his family’s history. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he expanded this personal story into a gripping narrative, mixing his experiences with a fictional twist. The novel offers readers an insider’s perspective on the exciting world of Formula 1, as well as a compelling look at India’s history during and after Partition.

The Gravity of a Promise, img Hardcover 1

The writing process for Gravity of a Promise spanned a decade. Mahajan faced the challenge of moving from technical writing to crafting a compelling fictional narrative. The first draft was relatively straightforward, focusing on character development and biographical elements. However, transforming these elements into a gripping thriller with unexpected twists proved more complex. The final chapters were particularly challenging as Mahajan worked to weave together the complicated plot threads and deliver a surprising and satisfying conclusion.

The book’s settings are integral to the narrative, creating an atmosphere that readers can immerse themselves in. Key scenes in New Orleans, Florence, and Montpellier bring the novel’s thrilling plot and emotional depth to life. The finale in Montpellier is a particular favorite with readers and represents the climax of Nikhil’s journey.

Dr. Mahajan’s first foray into fiction was received with enthusiasm by readers and visitors to some of his book launches in Delhi, Gurgaon and Pune. Over 250 copies were sold in the first two months and more books Dr. Ajay Mahajan's debut thrillerEvents in India and the US promise to further highlight the novel’s global appeal and celebrate its success.

Dr. Mahajan gives some advice to aspiring authors: “Never give up. The beginning is the hardest part and the middle can be rough. But persistence will lead you to a fulfilling ending.”

Gravity of a Promise is now available on major retailers and online platforms such as Amazon, NotionPress and Flipkart. An e-book version is available on Kindle and an audio version, narrated by Dr. Mahajan himself, is available on Audible.

About the author

Ajay Mahajan is a distinguished scientist, professor, and entrepreneur with a career spanning more than three decades. Born in Birmingham, England and raised in India, he has lived and worked on three continents. Mahajan holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Tulane University and is the author of over 150 technical articles. His varied career includes positions at NASA, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the Renault F1 and Toyota F1 Formula One teams. Gravity of a Promise is his first work of fiction, combining his rich life experiences with a gripping narrative.

About the book

The weight of a promise is an exciting thriller that delves into the lives of Nikhil Nanda, who makes a solemn vow to his dying father. This promise plunges him into a dangerous adventure through Chicago, New Orleans, Florence, Montpellier and Agra. The novel combines personal history with a fast-paced plot and offers readers an insight into the glamorous world of Formula 1 racing and the complexities of family honour. With its mix of action, suspense and international intrigue, Gravity of a Promise will captivate and delight readers worldwide.

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