
Domino’s Pizza Japan makes milkshakes, but are they good? 【Taste test】

Domino’s Pizza Japan makes milkshakes, but are they good? 【Taste test】

Do pizza pros know what they’re doing with dessert drinks?

It was very sad that we could not find space in our schedule to visit Pizza Hut Shake Stand, a milkshake shop in Tokyo before it was closed. Then we remembered with great joy “Hey, Shake Stand may have been just a temporary pop-up shop, but Domino’s Japan has milkshakes on the menu all the time!”

And so it was with great anticipation that our Japanese-speaking reporter Marie-Luise Morimoto headed to her local Domino’s to try one.

In the spirit of Japanese sweets, Domino’s offers a range of limited-time seasonal flavours. Although the apple and blackcurrant shakes were tempting, Marie opted for the Mango milkshakebecause it sounds the most summery of all.

At 790 yen (US$5.25), Domino’s Shakes are not particularly cheap, but as the staff handed Marie’s Shakes, she realized that they partly justify the price by offering a a generous portion of real mango slices in the drink.

“It also has an impressive weight,” she noted as she lifted the cup for a few triumphant snaps.

OK, it looks good and feels good, but does it taste good?

Yes, oh yes, indeed! Milky, rich and fruity, that was everything Marie had hoped for in terms of taste. She also has to give it full marks for the texture. Some milkshakes have an annoying icy crispness, others go too far in the other direction and have a watery, runny consistency. Domino’s shake had none of these problems and was perfectly creamy, probably because it made only from milk, ice cream and fruitwithout any other unnecessary ingredients.

Marie was also incredibly happy how well the Domino’s Shake retains its consistency. With Japan’s record-breaking heat, she thought she had to gulp down her drink as quickly as possible to avoid it melting into a runny, unappetizing mess. But even 10 minutes after she got her drink, it was still deliciously thick, so she was able to take her time savouring every last sip.

Speaking of taking your time, Domino’s Shakes are made to order for maximum freshness, so you’ll have to wait about five minutes if you just walk into a branch and order one at the counter. But if you like to plan ahead, you can also have Domino’s Shakes delivered to your home or office, just like pizza, and we have a feeling the delivery staff will know the way to Marie’s house better and better now that we know how good these dessert drinks are.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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(Read in Japanese)

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