
District official talks about eventful first day of school at Martin High School, including bomb threat and fire alarm

District official talks about eventful first day of school at Martin High School, including bomb threat and fire alarm

LAREDO, Texas (KGNS) – While about 20,000 students returned to their school campuses without incident, Martin High School experienced several problems, including a bomb threat and a fire alarm.

The first incident was a suspected bomb threat reported to police at around 6:40 a.m. on Monday, August 12.

Laredo police said police and fire officials searched the campus but found nothing and concluded the threat was unfounded.

Executive Director of Communications Veronica Castillon said police and firefighters had inspected everything and classes could go ahead as planned.

That same morning, a fire alarm around 10 a.m. led to the evacuation of Martin High School.

Hundreds of students, faculty and staff left the building and waited outside the campus.

According to district officials, it is believed that the alarm was triggered by construction work in the cafeteria.

However, the two incidents have nothing to do with each other, Castillon says the district takes every situation seriously.

“We work very closely with all local law enforcement agencies. If there is ever a time when a member of our community or a student does something that disrupts the flow of classes on our campuses or puts our students or staff at risk, we will ensure that they are charged to the fullest extent of the law,” Castillon said.

LISD officials say they have a Raptor security system that allows them to instantly trigger alarms or lockdowns if needed.

Apart from minor problems, students and teachers were able to continue the first day of school.

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