
Devin Marconi promises to push for term limits in Congress

Devin Marconi promises to push for term limits in Congress

23 August 2024

Contact: Scott Tillman, U.S. Term Limits
Phone: (321) 345-7455
[email protected]

Devin Marconi promises to push for term limits in Congress

Bigfork, Montana – US Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the national, bipartisan movement to limit the terms of elected officials, is gathering support from lawmakers across the country. Its mission is to get 34 states to pass an amendment specifically addressing term limits in Congress. Montana House of Representatives candidate Devin Marconi (District 10) has pledged his support for term limits by signing the Term Limits Pledge for Congressional Term Limits. Candidate Terry Falk previously signed the Term Limits Pledge.

USTL Chairman Ed Walker commented on Marconi and Falk’s pledges, saying, “Term limits are critical to the future of our country. I’m glad Devin and Terry signed the pledge to support term limits in Congress. It shows they understand the importance of our Founding Fathers’ vision and making DC a better place.”

The Term Limits Pledge in the United States is made available to candidates and members of state legislatures. It reads: “I pledge, as a member of the state legislature, to support, vote for, and defend the resolution to call an Article V convention for the sole purpose of establishing term limits for Congress.”

In the 1995 case Thornton v. US Term Limits, the United States Supreme Court held that only a constitutional amendment could limit the terms of U.S. Senators and Representatives in the House of Representatives. According to Nick Tomboulides, Chief Executive Officer of the USTL, the best way to impose term limits on Congress is through an Article V proposal convention of state legislatures.

“The Constitution allows either two-thirds of Congress or two-thirds of the states to propose constitutional amendments. While we would like Congress to take the moral high road and propose term limits itself, we know it is too interested in its own interests to do so without outside pressure,” Tomboulides said. “That’s why it’s important to get the approval of state legislatures,” he added. Once the amendment is proposed, it must be ratified by 38 states.”

Tomboulides noted, “More than 87% of Americans have rejected the career politician model and want to replace it with civic engagement. The way to achieve that goal is to change term limits in Congress. Devin and Terry know that and are ready to work to help us achieve our goal.”

According to Pew Research’s latest national survey on term limits, term limits enjoy broad support across both parties. Pew’s analysis states, “An overwhelming majority of adults (87%) support term limits for members of Congress. This includes a 56% majority who strongly support the proposal, with only 12% opposed.”

View Marconi’s signed commitment here.
View Falk’s signed commitment letter here.


US Term Limits is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to term limits. Our mission is to improve the quality of government through citizen-led legislation that accurately reflects its constituents and is responsive to the needs of the people it serves. USTL does not require individuals to self-restraint. Our goal is to impose term limits on all members of Congress as an institution. For more information, see

*US Term Limits does not endorse candidates. Candidates who sign the pledge support term limits.

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