
Devin Kennedy dedicates his second album to the Romantics

Devin Kennedy dedicates his second album to the Romantics

Singer-songwriter Devin Kennedy has released his second album, “In My Imagination.” The American singer has written the successful hits “Forget About You,” “Something Bout That Feeling,” “Loose Change,” and “Falling For You,” which reach an average of two million listeners per month.

Kennedy describes his sound as a mix of alternative, pop and R&B, with lyrics that are truly heartfelt. These days, he makes “genreless” music where his sound varies and even overlaps, stressing that he’s happy as long as it sounds essentially pleasant.

“It’s my way of communicating with the world. Music is a universal language; it’s like smiling or laughing – we all understand it and can’t live without it,” the musician told Music Geek in an email interview.

Devin Kennedy dedicates his second album to the Romantics

Singer-songwriter Devin Kennedy. Photo contributed by CADEN HUSTON

Kennedy’s family introduced him to music at a young age. He learned to play guitar from his father and attended several concerts that eventually inspired him to pursue music.

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“I had my first live performance in 7th grade, playing drums at my school’s talent show. When I walked off the stage that day, I knew this was what I wanted to do forever.”

He also mentioned that the first two concerts he attended were by Paul McCartney and John Mayer, who greatly influenced him as a musician. Likewise, Kennedy named Laufey and Bruno Major as artists who inspired him.

Kennedy also enjoyed preparing new music when he was with his friends during the process: “I’m so lucky to work with incredibly talented people, but it’s even more fun to put in all those hours when you’re doing it with your mates. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The artist’s new 10-track album, “In My Imagination,” showcased his melodious vocals and soulful lyrics.

In particular, he composed each song on the acoustic guitar to complement and emphasize the lyrics.

“It led me to create a whole world of sound and lyrics that feels light and airy at times, but deep and emotional at other times. I’m so proud of how it all came together.”

Unlike his previous releases, Kennedy claimed that the songs guided the creative process for this album.

“Each song felt like a different emotional puzzle piece and together it felt like a complete journey; this is definitely my favorite project,” the artist shared.

When asked how he wanted his listeners to feel after listening to the entire album, he replied: “I want my listeners to feel understood and inspired and to find a sense of connection and security through the music.”

“I hope listeners know how much of myself I put into my music – each song reflects my personal experiences and emotions that I try to convey in the hope that they will resonate with them deeply,” Kennedy expressed sincerely.

In the future, fans can look forward to an upcoming Asian tour by the artist.

“I’m really looking forward to visiting Asia and making music! The fans have supported me over the past few years and have been incredibly patient.”

“I’m always working on new music that I want to share with you. I’m also putting together the show for the ‘In My Imagination Tour’ and it’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see you all!”

At the end of the interview, Devin Kennedy had this to say to other aspiring musicians: “Enjoy the process. If you are productive and consistent, other things will fall into place. In addition, you should work with people you trust completely. Your music – your art is valuable. But the people you surround yourself with are more valuable.”

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