
Dear Annie: My lifelong friend married a much older man and moved away. Now I never hear from her again

Dear Annie: My lifelong friend married a much older man and moved away. Now I never hear from her again

Dear Annie: A longtime friend of mine moved to Utah a little over a year ago with a man twice her age. They met in similar careers and travel together. She helped babysit his 10-year-old son.

We were best friends throughout our childhood and even as we got older we remained close to varying degrees. Before she left, she promised that we would stay in touch and try to keep seeing each other when possible. We even met for lunch when she was back in town a few months after the initial move. We had a really nice time. At least I thought so.

I haven’t heard from her since September. I’ve been texting her and for some reason I’m nervous about calling her. My wife and her parents say that maybe she’s isolating herself through her relationship and isn’t able to reach out. I thought it was weird being with a man so much older than me, but my girlfriend has always been a capable, independent woman, so I’m just not sure.

Any idea why she’s ignoring me?

– Best friend forever in Colorado

Dear best friend forever: The best way to find out why she hasn’t texted you back is to pick up the phone and call her. She’s your best friend! This is especially true if you feel like something is wrong with her relationship. She would need a friend.

She might also be busy taking care of his 10-year-old son. Regardless of the reason, communication is the answer to your question. The best communication is face-to-face, but if you don’t want to travel, start with a phone call, not just a text message.

If she’s a real friend worth keeping, she’ll appreciate you telling her how you feel about her. If not, you’re better off without her.

Dear Annie, I lost my husband of 36 years to a rare form of bone marrow cancer. It was exactly two months from the day of his diagnosis to his death. My family and I were shocked. GriefShare helped me a lot.
Please tell others to search for support groups near them via Google or of your city). – Grateful Nan

Dear Grateful Nan, my condolences on your loss. Thank you for sharing the link, I hope it helps others find the support they need.

Send your questions to Annie Lane at [email protected].


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