
Concord Monitor – Letter: Kelly Ayotte is my choice for governor

Concord Monitor – Letter: Kelly Ayotte is my choice for governor

Over the course of a long campaign season, it became clear that Kelly Ayotte has the combination of experience and love for New Hampshire that our next governor needs. Seeing Kelly’s enthusiasm for dealing with all kinds of people is very inspiring and motivating. And she has already served NH so well, as prosecutor, as attorney general, and as a U.S. Senator, demonstrating a wonderful combination of integrity, toughness, and compassion. When Manchester went through a particularly painful time following the murder of Officer Mike Briggs, Attorney General Ayotte personally prosecuted the case to put his killer on death row. When burdensome Obama-era regulations threatened our “Live Free or Die” way of life, then-Senator Ayotte stood firm for NH values.

When people come forward, Kelly helps back. By any measure, the Granite State has flourished under Governor Sununu’s common-sense leadership. Kelly will move us forward on the same path that made NH “our nation’s most livable state.” I trust she will keep her promises and protect us from the horrific progressive policies that have ruined so many other states. Kelly has a history of bringing people together to solve problems, and I also trust her to bring people together to address our housing problems, the opioid crisis, the lack of child care, and the health care challenges. Kelly’s deep affection for NH is moving, and her desire to lead is inspiring. Count me among the enthusiastic Kelly supporters who look forward to voting for an extraordinary candidate on September 10th and again on November 5th. We must get this right!

Michael Moffett


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