
Chatham County community helps flood victims

Chatham County community helps flood victims

CHATHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) – Hundreds of families in our area are still recovering from the record rainfall and flooding following Post-Tropical Storm Debby.

One of the worst affected areas was Highway 204.

WTOC spoke with a woman who is involved in the area to learn more about how the community is getting involved.

Several families were left homeless off Highway 204 after the area was hit by severe flooding.

“People who never wanted help were always the helpers, always helping. And now they’re in a situation where they need help. And I just told her that everyone needs help sometimes,” said Misty Harvest of Riverview Health and Rehabilitation Center.

Misty Harvest has spent most of her life in Savannah, and after Tropical Storm Debby, she realized how urgent it was to help the families affected.

“At first, not many people came because they were so busy in their homes trying to see what they could salvage,” Harvest said.

They came to pick up supplies and food donated by community members. But in recent days, that has changed. Harvest has spent the last few weeks finding volunteers to provide them with that help.

“Cleaning supplies, food, baby items, bleach, rakes and brooms,” Harvest said.

Everything the families need to recover from their losses.

“Not many people knew about this area and the need that existed there. The response has been overwhelming,” Harvest said.

What began as an idea has now developed into a community effort.

“Home Depot actually delivered a lot of supplies this morning. Savannah Coke donated water and the Red Cross came from Columbia to distribute more water and some food,” Harvest said.

She says that’s not all. Her next step is to help people in the area with new furniture. And she wants to make people aware of the ongoing need for community support.

“I’m just doing my part, like everyone else here is doing their part, to help the people in our community,” Harvest said.

Harvest says they are continuing to accept donations at Riverview Health and Rehabilitation Center in Savannah.

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