
CASA needs volunteers

CASA needs volunteers

LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) – Children in the Lubbock area need advocates as they navigate life and the legal system without family.

With the deadline fast approaching, CASA of the South Plains is calling on the community to get involved now.

In the six counties served by CASA, around 800 children live in foster families.

Only half of these children have a court-appointed special advocate (CASA).

“We’re really proud of that, but it’s also hard for me to go to sleep at night knowing we’re only serving half,” said Lauren White of CASA.

Every child cared for by CASA comes into foster care because of abuse or neglect.

“As you can imagine, they are going through a really vulnerable, scary and unknown time in their lives,” White said.

CASA volunteers are a constant for these children who have been stripped of everything they know and love.

They use their voice to advocate for all of the child’s needs.

“By doing this, the child not only receives the gift of a CASA, but also hope, hope for the future, hope for better opportunities and hope to be reunited with their family at some point,” White said. “And if not, they are placed in a safe and loving adoptive home where we know they will thrive and grow into wonderful young adults.”

Being an advocate can go beyond changing a child’s life.

“Many of our volunteers say the connection they are able to build with the children they serve is beautiful. It not only changes the child’s life, but it changes their own life as well,” White said.

It doesn’t take up much time either. In fact, most volunteers spend between 10 and 12 hours a month with their child, and they are not alone.

“You will be assigned an advocacy coordinator to help you every step of the way,” White said.

White encourages anyone interested in volunteering to attend one of the upcoming CASA 101 information sessions before August 20.

This year there will only be two training sessions, one in Lubbock and one in Levelland.

“Just take the leap. You can change a child’s life and it will stay with you forever,” White said.

The deadline for training in Lubbock is August 20th.

Registration is possible here.

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