
Boothbay author Skip Simonds receives award at the Hollywood Book Festival

Boothbay author Skip Simonds receives award at the Hollywood Book Festival

Local author William W. “Skip” Simonds was named runner-up in the science fiction category at the Hollywood Book Festival for his novel “The Genesis Chair.” The festival, held in Hollywood, highlights literature worthy of consideration by the entertainment industry. A panel of judges selected the winners based on the following criteria: the author’s storytelling ability and the work’s potential to be adapted into other media forms.

This prestigious recognition underlines Simonds’ unique storytelling and imaginative vision in the world of science fiction.

“The Genesis Chair” follows Deke Sandborn, the first officer on a cargo ship traveling into space. What begins as a routine mission quickly turns into chaos when the ship loses its propulsion and is forced to land on an alien planet. There, Deke meets an alien mystic who gives him an extraordinary mission: to invent a time machine, travel back in time, and persuade a stranger to write a book that will change the course of civilization.

Commenting on the achievement, Simonds said, “I am thrilled that The Genesis Chair has been honored by the Hollywood Book Festival. Writing this book was a journey into the unknown, similar to the adventure Deke experiences in the story. I hope readers are as captivated by the story as I was writing it.”

Simonds, a Boothbay resident, is a retired minister, business consultant and pastor. He has written several books in a variety of genres, including men’s issues, self-help, nutrition and science fiction. “The Genesis Chair” is part of a trilogy, The Chair Trilogy, and can be purchased on Amazon.

For more information, interviews, or to arrange a book signing, please contact Skip Simonds at [email protected].

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