
Aurora Adult Day Services provides relief for caregivers

Aurora Adult Day Services provides relief for caregivers

AURORA, NY – On Wednesday evening, Aurora Adult Day Services will host its annual fundraiser for its mission to provide care for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia.

  • Aurora Adult Day Services hosts its largest fundraiser at Knox Farm on Wednesday
  • The non-profit organization relieves nursing staff and offers two days of free childcare
  • Care at Aurora Adult Day Services is affordable and provides caregivers with a much-needed break
  • The facility offers several hours of fun for relatives with dementia and Alzheimer’s
Susan Clapp, Executive Director of AADS


“They often don’t want family members to come in with them because this is their place. They call it the ‘club’ and we have a motto: What happens in the club stays in the club,” said Executive Director Susan Clapp.

More than six million Americans live with Alzheimer’s, and that number is expected to triple by 2050.

The center provides care to Southtown community members by having caregivers bring family members and friends from near and far.

Judi Chapin, a caregiver, cares for her lifelong friend with dementia


Judi Chapin, a caregiver, cares for her friend who has dementia and finds the services wonderful.

“It’s wonderful, just wonderful, I don’t know what I would do without it. These people are great,” Chapin said.

Other caregivers say the art and dance programs help re-energize their loved ones.

Eric Barkey, whose wife is now in medical rehab, came to AADS earlier


“It saved us, it allowed me to keep her home and take care of daily living expenses. It made me realize how much she had accomplished,” said Eric Barkey, whose wife is now in medical rehab but came to AADS earlier.

Paul Buckley cares for his two parents, who both have Alzheimer’s disease. He says the AADS programs offer his parents an escape from everyday life.

Paul Buckley cares for his parents who suffer from Alzheimer's disease


“We get the best of both worlds. Mom and Dad have fun and my sister, brother and I get a break,” Buckley said.

AADS hopes to continue its mission and plans to expand to Colden, NY.

You can help the center continue to help families here.

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