
Archaeology Day at Fort Phil Kearny – Sheridan Media

Archaeology Day at Fort Phil Kearny – Sheridan Media

During the cemetery tour on Tuesday, August 20, at Fort Phil Kearny, Site Superintendent Shari Shada spoke about an upcoming event at the fort.

The event will take place on Saturday, August 24th, on “Archaeology Day” and will begin at 10am and last until noon.

Shada explains:

The event begins with an overview of Wyoming’s prehistory by Dave McKee. Then, visitors can leisurely stroll through the activity stations to learn more. Stations include: an artifact identification table – supervised by Dr. Cody Newton. Bring your stone tools for analysis; dig boxes for children of all ages; a flint knapping station with Rick Laurent to learn how prehistoric arrowheads and other stone tools were made; an ethnobotany booth with Dan Bach of Wyoming State Parks & Cultural Resources. Participants can learn how wild plants were used for medicinal care; and the Atlatl Throwing Game (At-latal) with Dave McKee in the Fort Pasture, where participants can practice target shooting with atlatl arrows. An atlatl is a tool that prehistoric people used to fire spears and arrows with accuracy.

Shada recommends stopping by the Visitor Center during your visit to browse the wide selection of items in the newly remodeled gift shop and see the progress of construction on the new wing with interpretive exhibits.

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