
Aktau is preparing to become the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2025

Aktau is preparing to become the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2025

ASTANA—Aktau will be named the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2025, which is a significant milestone for the city and its residents. This new status is expected to bring numerous cultural and development opportunities. What events will be held and how will this affect the city’s growth? According to Tengrinews, which inquired with Aktau Akimat (city administration), preparations for various cultural and sports events are already underway.

Photo credit: Click here to view the map in full size. The map was created by The Astana Times.

Planned events include classical and folk music concerts, photography and painting exhibitions, theater festivals, performances by music and dance groups, and performances by other artists from all over the Turkic world.

The city also hosts a meeting of the Permanent Council of Culture Ministers of the Turkic-speaking Countries, folklore festivals, competitions, aitys (national composition competitions), international forums, symposiums for artists and sculptors, scientific and practical conferences, and guided tours of historical sites and attractions.

While the event schedule is still being worked out, the cost of the celebrations has yet to be determined.

“Many events will showcase Kazakh culture and allow guests and participants to get to know our customs and traditions,” the Akimat message said. “Aktau, due to its favorable geographical location, is an important driver of tourism growth in Kazakhstan, especially in the field of marine and beach tourism. The region’s tourism potential is anchored by the Caspian Sea, with the bathing season lasting three to six months.”

Photo credit: Advantour

Mangystau region has a strategic location at the intersection of international transport corridors connecting the south with the north and the west with the east. Aktau, the center of the region, is Kazakhstan’s only seaport. Two important international transport corridors, TRACECA and North-South, pass through Mangystau region.

In 2023, the region attracted 390,000 tourists, including 346,000 who visited Aktau. Of these, 306,000 were Kazakh citizens and 84,000 were foreigners, an increase of 25% compared to 2022. The Akimat predicts that the number of tourists may increase by 2.5 times due to the expansion of resort areas and services.

Azamat Sarsenbayev, a blogger from Aktau, said he had mixed feelings.

“On the one hand, it is exciting and inspiring to be named the capital of the Turkic world. I hope it will attract tourists who will appreciate the natural beauty of Mangystau and the city’s infrastructure. But when I compare this with EXPO 2017 in Astana, I fear that without significant infrastructural changes – such as the creation of parks, attractions and art installations that will leave a lasting impression – it seems pointless to spend money only on concerts and events,” Sarsenbayev said.

“I really hope that within a year something meaningful will be built in Aktau specifically for this event. These structures should not only commemorate the occasion, but also remain as permanent elements that citizens can enjoy and interact with long after the event,” he added.

The decision to designate Aktau as the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2025 was taken during the 40th Meeting of the Member States of the International Organization for the Development of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), which was held in Shusha, Azerbaijan, on October 13-14 last year.

Following the meeting, TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev noted that Aktau was chosen because of its rich historical heritage and numerous monuments, which represent the common cultural heritage of the entire Turkic world.

“Previously, Astana and Turkistan were the capitals of the Turkic world in Kazakhstan. I have no doubt that Aktau will uphold this honor. The world community will learn about the Turkic traditions and the bonds that unite the brotherly Turkish people. Our duty at TURKSOY is to promote and spread the common Turkic culture around the world, and we are fully committed to this mission,” Raev said.

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