
AEW star intervenes to defuse real fight on plane

AEW star intervenes to defuse real fight on plane

EJ Nduka was blindsided by his release from WWE in 2021, but after Triple H took over as head of creative, everything changed in WWE. He made it to AEW and is now finally a household name on the roster. He is also a hero in real life, having recently stopped a fight on an airplane.

EJ Nduka is physically imposing and was also involved in the feud between Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay before Forbidden Door as Nduka was clearly part of Strickland’s club. It’s pretty obvious that Nduka is not one to mess with considering he is 6′ 0″ tall and weighs 280 lbs.

The AEW star recently took to Twitter to explain that he broke up a brawl on an airplane. After the incident, a flight attendant thanked him and said she appreciated how calmly he handled the situation. She even mentioned that he could have physically removed the fighters if necessary.

Nduka further explained that he ended the argument quickly because he did not want to be stuck on the plane with a drunk and stubborn person and because he was hungry.

“I just finished a fight on the plane
The flight attendant came to me later and thanked me.

She said, “Thank you for defusing the situation so calmly, because there was nothing I could have done.”

She said: “You could have literally grabbed them both by the hands and thrown them” 😭😭

@AmericanAir, you’re welcome, because god knows I ended the argument because I didn’t want to be stuck on that plane with a drunk and stubborn guy… your boy is hungry.

EJ Nduka last competed on the ROH television show on July 28. Regardless, Nduka’s performance was certainly admirable and fans appreciate him for his actions as well.

What do you think about EJ Nduka finishing a real fight on the plane all by himself? Write your thoughts in the comments section below!

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