
Accelerating claims processing: Strategies to shorten the claims processing time

Accelerating claims processing: Strategies to shorten the claims processing time

With rising denial rates posing a constant threat to the financial stability of medical practices, the need for efficient claims processing has never been more important. According to a survey by MGMA, 60% of medical group leaders reported an increase in claim denials compared to the same period in 2023. To address this problem head-on, practices must develop strategies that expedite claims processing and increase payment reliability.

To reduce the duration of a claim, several key practices are required to ensure that claims are processed quickly and efficiently and the risk of denial is minimized. Here are some key strategies to achieve this goal:

Ensure accurate and up-to-date patient information

A fundamental step to avoid delays in claims processing is verifying that all patient demographic information is accurate and up-to-date. This includes names, addresses, contact information, and insurance information. Inaccuracies can lead to unnecessary denials and delays. Implementing a process to regularly update and verify patient information at each visit can mitigate these risks.

Comprehensive insurance documentation

It is critical that all of the patient’s insurance forms are accurately documented. This includes primary, secondary and supplemental coverage. Proper documentation ensures that claims are processed without obstacles and avoids problems related to coordination of benefits. Regular training of staff on the latest insurance policies can improve accuracy.

Timely filing of claims

To avoid delays, it’s important to submit claims promptly. Filing on time not only helps with faster processing, but also ensures payment deadlines are met. Establishing a standardized schedule for submitting claims can streamline this process. Automated tools in your EHR or practice management system to track submission deadlines can ensure claims are submitted on time.

Proactive denial prevention

A practice’s billing team should be well trained to prevent denials in the first place. Establishing standard operating procedures (SOPs) that all members of the billing team follow can significantly reduce the likelihood of denials. This includes understanding the most common reasons for denials and being proactive in addressing them. For detailed instructions, see Greenway Health’s Proactive Denial Prevention eBook.

Thorough documentation

It is crucial to ensure from the outset that all required documentation is complete and accurate. This includes having all necessary forms and evidence to support the claim. Proper documentation minimizes errors and reduces the likelihood of a claim being rejected. Implementing a checklist of required documents and regularly reviewing claims for completeness can help maintain high standards.

Effective communication

Clear and open communication with all parties involved, including claimants, insurance adjusters and all third parties, is essential. Quick responses to inquiries and requests for information are critical to speedy claim settlement. Establishing a dedicated communication protocol can improve this process.

Early investigation

By starting the investigation process as early as possible, you can identify problems or discrepancies early and resolve them more quickly. This proactive approach can save a lot of time in the claims settlement process. Creating a standardized investigation procedure can improve early detection and resolution.

Optimized processes

Implementing efficient processes and using technology to automate and streamline claims processing can significantly reduce processing times. Understanding all the features of your EHR and/or practice management system will help you get the most out of your technology investment. Contact your Revenue Cycle partner for help with system configuration.

Clear policies and procedures

Developing and maintaining clear policies and procedures for processing claims is essential for consistency. Strict adherence to these policies reduces delays caused by uncertainty or errors. Regularly reviewing and updating SOPs ensures that all staff are familiar with the correct procedures.

Continuous training and further education

Regular training on the latest procedures, regulations and best practices is essential. A well-trained team can process claims more efficiently and accurately, reducing the time required for processing. By offering ongoing training opportunities and staying up to date with industry changes, you can ensure your team remains knowledgeable and effective.

Regular monitoring and review

It is important to continuously monitor the progress of claims processing and conduct regular reviews to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This proactive approach helps make claims processing efficient. Implementing performance metrics and using analytics tools to track key indicators can provide valuable insights.

By implementing these strategies, practices can significantly shorten the claims lifecycle, resulting in faster resolutions and better financial outcomes. For more detailed strategies and insights, check out Greenway Health’s resources: Proactive Denial Prevention eBook and Denial Management Infographic.

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